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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Went to HMG yest to help Merlyn out on the entries as I promised earlier on.. As well as checking mine too.. Haha.. Actuali I oni made one mistake nia.. And I spent the whole day there looking through all the other entries by other ppl.. Before I left Jo saw me and said she was reali shocked when she knew abt how I key in the data.. I tell u all she use the word "Shocked" reali machiam damn shocked loh.. The expression and all that she shown.. Hahaha.. >_<~ She said data is totally correct but it's been input at the wrong place.. She said I'm the first one in history that did that.. LoLz.. And she said no one realized it and tot it's correct.. But why there is bug leh.. No one know why.. Hahaha.. Say until machiam I'm hacker lai de.. Keke..

I left HMG and went to the main Raffles Square.. Reali veri crowded.. No diff from town.. But at nite also crowded.. Guess why? Cuz the crowd are those ppl that suicide after they burned their fingers.. And they are called the "Ghostly figures" (Mok, 2006).. Hahaha.. What interest me is I saw a guy without wearing any top with a pair of cupid's wings went around giving roses.. There is also another gal doing the same.. Should be some kind of events ba.. I tot is Love Bites 3 aka Yuan Lai Jiu Shi Ni 3.. LoLz.. But host not Bryan and Kym.. Oh ya.. Must clarified that the gal is wearing a top.. If not some of u read le tot "There is also another gal doing the same" means wearing and doing the same as the guy.. LoLz..

Rem before Inv due that day.. I was toking to Wh on Inv.. She said she wanted to ask her poly tutor to help her.. But she tried called and in the end still failed to get her tutor.. No wonder loh.. Her tutor is called Chan Soon Huat while she dialled on Chan Lai Huat.. LOLz.. U see.. How can someone who teach us OE teach her how to do Inv.. Then she said Chan Lai Huat kept saying he duno.. But Wh said dun wan help said so lah.. Why pretend here and there.. Haha.. She was so pissed off then.. But when she called up her gd buddies Miss Tamp and Ris.. They were laughing the way off.. So bad hor!! But it was reali a honest mistake made by her.. Even though I'm saying that they laughed at her is bad.. But I reali can't help laughing my arse off.. So let me LMAO now!! Muwahahahaha..

Yest training I first time blew my temper off.. I will always help my Shifu if he asked me to.. And yest I and another Dan holder Ninjitsu person helped out on behalf of my Shifu.. While Shifu himself went to coach others.. We took over and told them to line up from shortest to tallest.. No one listen.. Say nicely to them.. Take things for granted.. I can be nice.. When come to training.. I'm regimental.. There are other ppl looking.. If ppl see this type of discipline we have.. How will they think..

That stupid Caiying tot he is saint is it? Kao pei kao bu here and there.. Btwn like what his arch enemy Marcus said before.. His name is like a gal name.. I agree.. Nowadays still have arch enemy.. Quite vague rite.. How I wish Marcus is here.. Then he will have a way to deal with that Caiying.. I blew off and shouted at him.. Atmosphere became a total silent.. Parents of some looked over.. Shifu must be shocked also.. Cuz I normally veri nice to them one.. Then again ppl will always take advantage of ppl who are gd to them.. And suay suay they tio me.. I have mood swing also.. Though I wun have pms but my temper in the veri first place is alreadi not gd at all.. Juz like volcano.. Erupt anytime anywhere.. Btwn my Shifu totally dislikes this Caiying.. And my Shifu everytime will find reasons to punish him.. Hahaha.. U ppl see loh.. What a nuisance this kid is.. Somemore alreadi so old le.. I think Secondary liao.. Pissing me off is asking me to slay them with my wrath.. Wait till I use my Sir's training at Shifu's class then that "目中无人" fellow will know what is "求生不得, 求死不能"..

Saw the dialogue on "Why our votes matter?".. I think some of those ppl toking to our SM Lee is abit the what leh.. Hmm.. Dun wan to comment much either.. Anyway one said that PAP is arrogant and big bully.. But SM Lee said that if PAP is arrogant and big bully.. Will he be toking to her now? Another said why dun SM Lee step down and retired.. SM Lee replied by asking him "Do he want him to step down?" That fellow dun dare to ans.. Haha.. Must be humji to ans loh.. Scared still ask somemore.. I truly agree with what our SM Lee said.. "Politics is not juz abt the government itself.. It's abt us.. It's abt everyone.." Cuz our future and lives are directly affected by the government governing.. So choosing the right government is definitely an impt decision for us..

Now I understand why there is a minimum age of 21 to vote.. Cuz even ppl that are older than 21 yrs old can be so foolish in thinking.. What can an under 21 do then? Probably something even worst.. Ok I shall said that there are some under 21 that are mature also.. LoLz.. If not knifes will be cuming after me soon.. Keke.. I rem one even said then why din the current government remove the opposition party totally.. Like what SM Lee said.. It's not possible.. Agree too.. Taking simple example.. Taking too much of one kind of food is not healthy.. Taking too little of another kind ain't too.. So it must be a balance of both..

Now for those that will be involved in the election is to wait for the declaration date given by our PM Lee.. The day where he announce the dispersion of the Cabinet with immediate effect.. Then only the voting will start.. I juz hope the voting date will hit exactly 13th May.. Haha.. Are u ppl thinking what I'm thinking? Keke.. Yea so that our DPP1 presentation and deadline will be pushed later.. Haha.. But what I fear is.. What if the date kena push earlier.. LoLz.. Then ho seh liao loh.. Been clever in the first place kena killed by own cleverness.. Keke.. >_<~ Let's us pray!!

Scenario 1: How will u ppl react when u called someone who is obviously a gal.. And the voice who picked up is a guy.. Haha.. Will ur first reaction be:
1) Erm.. U are?
2) Oh sorri.. I have dialled the wrong number..
3) Whu the hell are u? Quick get xxx to listen to the phone..
4) Hey what happened to ur voice.. Why becum so man? LOLz..

Whichever are the ans for u ppl.. My first reaction is that guy must be her bf.. But she said it's not.. Well.. I believe what she said ba.. Haha..

Scenario 2: The guy picked up the phone becuz the gal is driving.. So the qns is.. Will u ppl asked ur opposite gender frenz to pick up the phone on ur behalf when u are driving? Or is it only ur loved one can pick up for u on ur behalf only? To make things more complicated.. The call is from ur loved one.. Then what will u ppl do.. Juz let it ring or asked ur opposite gender frenz to pick up for u..

Scenario 3: What if u called and the moment the line is picked up.. U said yes dar what can I do for u? And then the voice that replied turned out to be a guy.. Keke.. Well.. Erm.. Haha.. Maybe total culture shocked for me ba.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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