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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Finali finali finali.. The most annoying paper of the century is gone.. I juz pray that we all will survive under this stupid paper.. Let the Punisher Ly do the job of "Burn Reilly, Kill Norton, Sack Mok!!" While I Fry Reilly, Grill Norton, Steam Mok and Pwned Investment!!" Hahaha.. Anyway I guess most of our ppl will feel relieved after this Inv paper.. Which I believe..

Che.. Jan and Wh came in late.. And ironically Wh sat besides me.. And guess what.. After the paper Step told me that Wh ask Jan whether I'm the one.. Haha.. I din know at all.. Cuz I dun dare to look over also.. Well.. So today.. The mystery is solved.. At least for this STM gal.. Wondering what is STM.. It's Short Term Memory!!

And Ly is grumbling over the bull and bear qns.. LoLz.. He din see properly.. Guess from now on he will hate these two animals.. And he is rite.. Why can't use other animals loh.. Why must the animals start with "B"? Making everyone careless.. I was careless too.. But I read the qns again.. And I realized hey it's a bull and not a bear.. Should I say the examiner is despicable? LoLz.. Well examiner has the rite to set all kinds of qns..

Actuali I was kinda fed up with Mok when I saw the first calculation problem.. Been the fact that his own notes is reali fark up to extreme compared to the RMIT one.. But so be it.. I dun fussy abt that.. But it's a fact that he din teach us abt the futures and spot prices at all.. And I know he will say I have given u tutorial.. It's ur responsibility to do it.. Ya he's rite that it's our responsibilities.. So does it means it's our responsibilities then he dun need to teach? Then he might as well dun teach loh.. Let's us do and study ourselves..

And Sf said someone during the exam asked Mok how to do this particular qns.. I think hor it's kinda vague to ask such qns in exam.. Do u think ur Mr Mok will tell ya? LoLz.. Of cuz not..

And heard from them that Gopi came in for the paper after 45mins.. Hmm.. I wondered how cum he can enter? Cuz I tot after the first 30mins no one can enter to take the paper le.. Well maybe he have special reasons.. And Sf was beside him I guess.. He said when he is doing section B.. Gopi has alreadi finished the paper and handed up le.. Waaa.. Took the paper 45mins later yet can fin so fast and earlier.. Machiam saint leh.. Sf looked at him stunned.. Haha..

I believe Amoral United is celebrating and cheering over Chelsea's defeat.. Haha.. If not the blue shirts will sorta or kinda win two titles le.. Well done red shirts!! Anyway Mourinho is juz a sore loser after losing to Liverpool.. Lose means lose!! Dun give reasons to cover or whatever vocab that can be used.. Yawnz.. Arrogant ppl wun stay top too long.. I reali wish and wanna pray hard for Man U victory against Chelsea in the next EPL match.. This match will determine whether Man U has the chance to overtake Chelsea and stay top.. And I hope the last three matches for Chelsea including Man U match.. Chelsea will lose all the way.. Haha.. *Pray*

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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