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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today is the 1st day of Regatta training.. Set off at 0830hrs and reached Mac Ritchie at 1030hrs.. Funny rite.. Need 2hrs to reach MR.. I travelled duno how many times from Adam to Farrer to Bk Merah to Queensway.. And back again.. @_@" Haix.. Juz can't get the rite place.. Was reali desperate loh.. CL helped to guide me through call but I juz can't find the place..

And when I finali reached MR.. I den realized I have gone through this area so many times yet I din realized it is on my rite.. The time I oni realized is when two angmoh with PT kits was waiting for bus and it caught my attention.. I knew it is somewhere here.. And I find the bus stop so familiar to me.. Since sec sch times.. And yes that is the bus stop I used before during my sech sch days..

I juz feel so bad that I dragging the time of the rest.. I asked CL to go ahead and proceed with the training.. I ran to find them and I ran the wrong route.. They are on the other side.. I tot they are trying the 6km route so I guess I'm on the rite track.. Nvrtheless I knew I wun be able to catch up with them.. I entered the jungle and ran all the way upslope and downslope.. And went past the small lake.. I was have this feeling that there are crocodiles there.. *Shiver* I quickly get past it..

Half way through it began to pour.. My vision was blurred.. And I saw something big beside me.. It gave me a shock loh.. I tot is wild boar.. Damn big.. In the end it was juz a log that shaped like an animal.. No kidding.. My heart nearly popped out.. At first I tot is bear.. Kena grizzly attack sure die loh.. Cuz body alreadi fatique liao.. Where got energy to sprint away.. And somemore on such uneven ground.. And no one else in the deep vegetation.. But den SG should be safe like u all think.. But sometimes "Ren Suan Bu Ru Tian Suan".. And so I finali reached the Lornie road.. The start from the vegetation into MR will be ard 1.5km.. However I juz feel like how cum the route is like nvrending at all.. Those of u whu did 5km or 6km cross-country before will know that feeling..

I having a headache rite now.. And later going to chalet to meet them.. I'm totally burnout.. Motivation is what I need now.. And juz now I called Cl to tell him that I still haven reach home yet.. He was shocked.. He said "WAT!!" From Hougang to Tampines still not back home yet? Keke.. He is funny.. I later going to tell Sherry his reaction.. LoLz..

I wondered how cum the Superband.. That Xia Ri Feng still in despite getting a fail score of 19/40.. And how cum Lucify with a score of 29 which is 10 points lead from Xia Ri Feng is out.. Where is the justice.. Are ppl blind? Why they keep voting for CMI team like Xia Ri Feng? What I feel is maybe that team background is rich enuff to keep voting for themselves.. 60 cents per vote is expensive.. But I juz dun believe that SG ppl are so gong.. If this keep going on.. Den I afraid alot of gd band will be out soon.. Who will be the next victim of Xia Ri Feng..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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