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Monday, May 22, 2006

Right now I'm waiting for the letter of notification from TP for speeding.. LoLz.. I know that it will be juz a fine and demerit points.. Well.. I duno whether I'm been taken down by the TP super camera which has the ability to capture the driver's face too.. So if wan to minus points also must use own licence.. Cuz got pic.. Last time is only the hand held speed checker.. Now they implemented both.. So it will depend on heng suay whether the TP wanted to use which equipment.. Haha.. By this week should have a letter cuming.. Cum on.. I'm waiting.. LoLz..

I wondered when driving how u ppl will react when there are alot of spaces in front of u.. And u are in the middle lane.. Not left nor right.. Will u ppl increase ur speed? Or simply juz drive as normal according to the speed limit? But I'm sure most of u will choose the former.. If u choose the latter and there are vehicles right behind u.. U will most probably been seen as a road hogger instead even though u are travelling at the maximum speed limit.. And will be diao by ppl that overtake behind u..

How I wish I can control both hands of time.. In this way I can stop the time so that I can have more time to do the stuffs I wan.. I should say I needa do.. I guess I can juz tune the time back to an hour earlier or more.. And tell myself that I have an extra hour.. Again this is deceiving ownself.. I think I have difficulties managing the time I have now.. Like reali many stuffs to settle:

1) I wan to play my Shadowhearts 3: The New World (This will alreadi take up alot of time liao)

2) Worked on my third MX project (Another time consuming stuff)

3) Washed my beanies (Still alrite cuz one day washed one.. So in a month time can finish)

4) Practice my patterns and back defense (Should be ok cuz I'm a fast learner.. Keke.. =P)

5) Train for Regatta 800m Men Opens and IVP.. And 1000m PM Cup.. (Definitely no doubt will take up alot of time)

6) And lastly go watch movies like MI3.. Da Vinci and X-Men 3: The last stand.. But of cuz with someone special.. Keke.. Soon liao soon liao.. Let me planned my schedule and den hopefully can tally with hers too..

MI3 maybe not watching cuz kena attracted by Da Vinci Code and X-Men 3.. Esp X-Men 3.. Cuz the Legendary Phoenix is cuming out this time.. Watching animated X-Men with Phoenix is damn exciting alreadi.. Now screening it in movie must be damn chio loh.. Awaiting for it..

Whenever I think of Phoenix it will remind me of SF.. He is our class Phoenix.. Reali can't die one.. LoLz.. But I'm glad that he's one.. If not I will be lonely without him.. Let me explain in some simple details of why.. Cuz whenever the exam is hard.. Den most ppl will not survive the paper.. Taking MAB for instance.. Despite that he is always the one that can survive it.. Haha.. As we know that Phoenix has the ability to revive itself.. So it makes SF indirectly a Phoenix whom can survive all trials.. And the term "不死鸟" cums by to describe him.. And I always use the following to disturb him "Final Attack" + "Master Summon (Phoenix)".. Sorri to those that dun understand what "Final Attack" + "Master Summon (Phoenix)" means.. LoLz.. Only those that played Final Fantasy VII before will understand..

Juz in the noon I watched the show on "Focus".. It says K-wave is hitting around the whole world and Da Chang Jin is one of the example.. I was wondering will there be a possibility that SG-wave will hit the world also? Hahaha.. Well.. Maybe ba.. Our SG Kiasu.. Kiasi and Kia "Lao Lee" wave can spread too.. Only finance ppl will understand what Lao Lee means.. Often preached by our great Mok Tian Soon in lectures.. LoLz..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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