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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Yest went to MR Treetop Trail (TTT) after the 3km run.. Walked until lost.. So many kids.. Haha.. The kids called Jac as auntie.. LoLz.. Funny rite.. As I mention earlier in my entries long before abt the called of auntie and uncle.. Will u ppl accept that a kid called u that? LoLz.. Ran up the slope of the TTT is veri tiring.. And the slope seem nvr ending and keep on curling upwards.. Worst than Shears Bri.. But it's a gd challenge..

Anyway the trail is damn unfriendly loh.. Only one way.. Machiam like one-way street.. And for goodness what with the world with so much steps? Must be a 99 steps formation.. And when we exit it.. The only route back to Ranger Station is blocked off.. WTF? And that means we need to travel a 6km in order to reach the entrance of MR.. Zzz.. Finali out of the vegetation to Lornie.. And the most surprising is to see monkeys humping away.. LoLz.. And only if u knw wat I mean by humping.. Hahaha.. I juz feel like I'm having amazing race.. Travelling over 200 miles.. Visiting over 200 cities.. And touring over 20 continents.. Haha..

I juz heard Ling zhi told her DJ frenz abt an incident on road.. A Mercedez is parking on the road and it kinda blocked the way of other cars.. So the other cars horn at the Mer.. So the driver of the Mer came down and said "Horn simi!! I also got paid road tax.. Why can't I park here?" LoLz.. Wat he said is correct also.. Haha.. Cuming to say of road tax.. Mine is expiring soon le..

Her DJ frenz den said.. One of his frenz saw him drove past past.. So he knew that his frenz will give way to him.. So as he went past.. His frenz from behind horned him.. So he sms his frenz why he horned him.. So unfriendly!! His frenz den replied "That's a friendly horn.." LoLz.. So funny.. Still got friendly horn.. Ok I agree also.. Cuz when u took bus.. U will sometimes see bus drivers horning their frenz on the opposite road..

Today did a run from sch to Dover.. And den back again.. Everytime took bus from Dover to sch.. Nvr expect will I be running this route.. Far also not far.. Near also not near.. I think going and cuming back should be ard 4km+..

After that went to LT 4.11 to rest and continue the training.. Do till 12+ and went down to canteen to set up booth for the sale of uber pass.. It's a worthy pass consisting of quite a number of different shops.. Discount from these shops.. Unlimited use.. To use juz show the pass can liao.. Have places like Cartel.. Carl Jr.. Club Momo.. Etc.. For gals got manicure and panicure also.. The rate is kinda cheap.. Saw AM with her frenz.. Din saw her for quite a long time.. So CL and me called her to buy one.. Haha.. Actuali she is one of the babes in our crew.. And rumours flying ard of Chairman and her.. LoLz.. She is quite hot among guys too.. U must be asking me why din I go join in the fun den.. Haha.. Cuz I have my target.. Keke..

Tml shall be my recovering day.. And Fri will be hell cuz JS cuming back to take over the baton liao.. Exams finali over for most UOL students.. Rite now I'm preparing for the unforeseeable pain and torment.. Haha..

And if u ppl saw the latest news on Nike collaborating with Apple.. Ipod in Nike shoes? Innovative huh? Well I duno how many of u can tolerate the smell of their own feet.. But it's a nice innovation.. Anyway nothing unusual since Oakley also have mp3 functions in their specs..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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