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Thursday, June 08, 2006

It has been a nine days break for me.. And I meant blogging's break.. I also duno why.. Was engrossed with D2~LOD.. Multiplayer is fun.. Was been slained countless times.. Damn dulan.. Now I realized how despicable computer intelligence can be.. Played with my bro for several days until we completed today.. Must asked Ly to join me nxt time.. I think my nxt target is DOTA liao.. Haha.. Gonna get back my WC3 and Frozen Throne from my buddy liao..

As I heard 06/06/2006 aka 060606 is devil's day.. Hmmm.. Is it becuz of that movie "Omen" that says it? I wondered.. And the release of our results is on this day also.. Such a fortunate day to choose to release huh? LoLz.. But I glad everyone survive this ordeal again.. I mean as far as those I know ba.. Not everyone I got asked.. Thinking of it.. I din reali asked anyone also.. Except my clique.. And our Legendary Phoenix survived his ordeal.. Haha.. I'm not saying abt X-Men 3.. I'm saying abt my dear SF.. Relieved for him.. Anyway I juz rem what Martin Yan always said "If Yan can cook.. So can u.." Putting it in study context.. It will simply means "If SF can clear.. So can u.." LoLz.. =X So there is no reason that anyone I know will flunge.. *Optimistic*

Sometimes I reali feel like giving up in doing some stuffs.. I think if without CL and Mel to force me run.. I think I reali stopped halfway.. And yest at the end of training.. Mike introduced a new type of PT.. I know what he wan to do.. He demo to us.. And JC saw it.. Straight away farked Mike.. Claiming it's too much lah.. I juz luv the way JC expressed himself to Mike.. JC said "U're CDO.. I'm juz a mata ok!!" Haha.. Mike stunned in silent..

Come to think of it I think I haven seen my clique ppl for a long time ever since WIL presentation.. Or I should say after X-Men 3.. Hmm.. Am I becuming neglecting ppl again? Haha.. Maybe or maybe not.. Cuz I know who will miss and who will not at all.. Well.. Juz dun paste big posters asking me to appear.. Juz like loansharks..

Sometimes I feel that some stuffs are too sensitive or I should say weird to msg.. Imagine u received a sms in the nite.. And the nxt day u reply it by asking "Yes how can I help u?".. And not long after that reply u send.. U received a reply claiming "Can u be my bf/gf?" What should u do nxt? Maybe pretend to reply "Okie no problem.. I charged $6/hr.. LoLz.." Or reply in a serious way which u think is applicable?

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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