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Monday, July 10, 2006

Finali I fin keying in all the contacts of my hp today.. Haix.. Reali no time to key in.. Cuz of an impt event few days before.. Was amused that I had so many contacts.. But keying one by one reali can kill.. And now I know why my sis complaining how cum my contacts are neverending.. LoLz..

And today I juz went into Purgatory.. Reali time consuming.. Worst is that annoying Envious Jealously (EJ).. Reali sickening fellow.. Haix.. I dun wanna leave my score with stain mah so can't die at all.. I guess he is the strongest foe which I have faced so far with a more than decent amount of 12000HP.. With my high levels.. I tot EJ will be juz a pushover.. Nvr will I expect he is no pushover as I tot.. His ability to cast all crest spells and combo magic made the situation worst.. Haix.. Kena one time is enuff to take 90 percent of my life away liao.. Let alone let him possessed one or two stocks.. And that Lost Progress spell which negate all supporting spell casted by me reali veri despicable loh.. And worst still is when he is at 3000HP.. He will cast Spirit Ward to banish one character.. And this truly made the battle even harder.. And I refuses to use any third.. Fifth.. And seventh keys.. Cuz using these keys will show in the score that u have use these keys before.. However the reward of beating EJ is reali veri rewarding.. And so I offically announced that I have beaten EJ without dying and using keys.. Yeahz.. =)

And so World Cup marked its end today at 0500hrs.. Did everyone stayed up to watch it? Maybe some did.. It was great that Italy won afterall.. And I'm glad they did.. The penalty at 5-6mins of the game reali put me off.. But since Italy concede earlier.. So to equalize it might be possible.. And reali they equalize with that powerful heading.. It was reali impressive.. And so this WC marked the end of Zidane international career.. Say bye bye to him.. Actuali not only him.. Figo and Oliver Kahn and many more also ended their international career.. With these legendary players are gone.. New legends will be created once again.. Juz like when there are Evils in this World.. The Lights will defeat the Evils.. And restored peace to the World.. And den the Evils are out again and the Lights defeat them once again.. It's juz like a cycle.. Keep on cycling non-stop..

Cuming to think of it.. The next WC will be in 2010.. By den I guess alot of players have alreadi left.. And most of us becuming aunties and uncles soon.. Haha.. Time flies.. Rite now whu can foresee what will happen in the next four years.. Maybe some of my frenz will becum millionaires.. Maybe some will becum part of SG Cabinet.. Or maybe some will becum popstars that are well known throughout the World.. Haha.. U nvr know mah.. Like my buddy always said "事事无绝对".. Ya loh I agree with him.. Juz like when u wan to go after a particular person but u juz scare u wun make it.. But that's not true.. Everyone has a heart.. And whether u will succeed in the end will depend on ur perseverance to melt his or her heart.. Rite?

Have u ppl ever forced to make a decision of whether to continue on a certain stuff or juz leave it alone and let Heaven decide for u? When I know MK is so strong and certain in her decision of some stuff.. I realized what she said make sense to me.. "好马不吃回头草"

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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