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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Utilities bill and cab fare going up next mth.. Cabs starting meter will be 2.5 bucks instead of the normal 2.4 bucks.. Increasing 10 cents.. I think TIBS cabs are different.. Normally the fare starts at 2.2 bucks.. So maybe increase to 2.30 bucks ba.. The impact is not this 10 cents increase.. It's the peak hour charges increment.. From normally 1 bucks increases to 2 bucks.. It's veri exp le.. Unless dun flag cab for peak hour.. But sometimes is bopian one.. Like that starting fare will be 4.5 bucks le.. 4.5 bucks can go up to a certain distance le..

Juz saw the classlist for our minor.. Juz as expected alot will take BF.. While the second majority will take HR.. And the rest MR.. Juz counted the ratio of total.. Hmm.. But how cum the number dun tally with total? I count two times still dun tally.. o_O" Anyway from the guide.. Seem like almost all the cows are going to BF to feed grass.. LoLz..

Went out with GG today.. Haha.. Meet at Wheelock.. But she said she going to be late.. So I gone in the book store to read some books.. I read until an hour and yet GG still din arrived.. Hmm.. I know something is not rite.. So I decided to call her.. But realized no network.. I looked around and saw ppl chatting on pone.. So can't be network problem le.. Den I realized maybe the new SIM card has been activated le.. OMG.. Yes it's indeed the root to all problems.. I quickly off the current pone and on the other one.. But the problem still din solve.. So I removed the SIM card from that off mode pone.. And suddenly everything becum well again..

I quickly called GG to ask her where she is.. My fault actuali.. Was feeling so bad.. Cuz I tot she reali late until so jialat.. And I going to mao her later!! LoLz.. In the end I should be the one that is been mao.. Anyway I went to look for her at Zara.. She wanted to buy stuffs.. In the end I kena asked to queue at the cashier counter for her.. Refusing to give up.. We went to Great World Zara to get her die die must get bottom.. This time round kena asked to queue for her at the fitting area.. The notice put so big and states "FEMALES ONLY".. I was like huh.. Kinda abit paiseh also.. Maybe the Great SG Sale is reali a way to attract customers.. So mani ppl.. Like locusts.. All clothes flying here and there.. Actuali female clothings are veri expensive.. I looked at the price.. My jaws dropped.. And that price called been discounted? Well maybe it reali discounted alot.. Esp when u know the original price.. Let's says from 150 bucks to 99 bucks.. Well that's reali alot ba..

GG said I looked like Malay liao.. LoLz.. No wonder Malay gals looking at me.. Wahahaha.. =P Everyone is saying the same thing.. Even JS said I darker than him.. And asked me to be the center of attraction for the recruitment drive.. LoLz.. But I think JS darker than me leh.. Hmm.. But I think now better le.. At least the effect sided down abit le.. But I waiting for more to cum..

JL and ZX were complaining that I have MIA for too long.. Haha.. Indeed true to some extend.. Going to make up to them soon.. If not kena suan again.. Say our next meeting will be scheduled 10 yrs later.. LoLz..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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