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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Like what Step said from the papers that GrudgeBringeRs Titans Commander, StrykerX aka Prasad aka our classmate Caecilia's bf.. Was unable to play for GBR Titans becuz his NS leaves are all used up alreadi.. Well.. Feel wasted ba.. I did rem that if representing SG in competition.. Most likely can be granted to leave SG to play for the Finals even if still serving NS.. Well too bad ba..

The Titans lose their Commander and can't proceed without him.. And so it marked the end of Titans' career for Asian WCG'06.. As a result Team ExsequoR aka xqR won the overall and becum the CS team representing SG.. I was wondering how cum xqR is so strong.. And when I see the lineup.. I finali understand why.. Juz imagine what Real Madrid is made up of den u will understand.. And I juz can't understand how cum there are foreign players in there.. Maybe they are PR.. Hmm.. Only two are pure Singaporeans..

And now one member of xqR need to withdraw from xqR cuz he is not local.. And this player seem so familiar to me.. Think he is from Team SK from Sweden.. Anyway Team SK is a very strong team.. Always ranking either first or second among the whole World.. Back to topic.. And so xqR is lack of one player.. So guess what.. Info was saying that xqR bought a player from Titans for USD 20m!! LOLz.. Will u believe it!! I certainly think it's crap loh.. Sounds more like English Premier League (EPL) to me loh.. Ok let me assume that the exchange rate is USD$1 to SGD$1.67 as at today.. USD 20m today will be around SGD 33.4m.. And who the hell will use SGD33.4m to buy a gamer? I think only noobs do that loh.. Even the World best player Heaton who is from Team SK dun worth that much either loh.. All in all I juz dun believe it lah.. They dun even have a million.. Let alone 33.4 times of that amount.. Guess this is the most hilarious thing I ever heard loh.. o_O" Well maybe there is someone with enormous purchasing power behind them.. Anyway it juz dun sound rational.. Logical.. Or any other words that can be used to describe.. Blah blah blah..

I was relieved that Chairman has cancelled the run on AHM'06.. Of cuz I'm delighted loh.. 10km hor.. Can kill almost all of u loh.. Anyway it was cancelled becuz registration is needed.. Now the regulations have becum stricter le.. Thankz to that.. Wahahahaha.. =D

And I juz hate every Mon nite.. Always need to wait for at least half an hour to get out of the carpark.. WTF loh!! Last sem not like that de loh.. Can't the management do something abt it at all? And the traffic marshallers seem to be the one causing the jam.. It was so sickening loh.. If not can't they juz kindly shifted some nite lectures to other days since there are so many days for them to choose.. Instead of crowding so many nite lectures on a single day.. Zzz..

Having Integra Type-R vehicles on road is veri normal.. But ever seen Integra-R cabs roaming on the street.. The first time I saw it was around a month ago.. And I only saw it three times until now.. It was reali rare until it reali makes me wondered whether that's a real cab? I will definitely flagged it next time I saw it.. The headlight and lightings was reali nice.. Luminous green accompanying with silver paint on its body.. It juz seem too much like a racing vehicle le.. So much that it juz resemble Tokyo Drift..

Who knws what type of "hazard" might be hiding inside of this cab? Well maybe the starting fee is more expensive than Mercz cabs $2.80.. Maybe peak hour rate of $3 instead of $2.. Or maybe the meter jumped faster than other normal meter.. LoLz.. Or maybe even more scary.. The vehicle is feed with nitrogen gas juz like "Need for Speed".. And zoomed.. Off u go..

Speaking abt the speed thing.. I juz rem what Mok Tian Soon said before abt the train using magnetic field to operate.. He said the train can go up to 400+km/hr.. o_O" Well.. If it's reali that fast den I guess having vehicle wun be of any used le.. Let's juz said calculate based on 400km/hr.. Taking example from Tampines to Clementi.. Total distance roughly around 40km.. To reach desination u need only 6 mins.. That's reali fast.. Den still need cars for what? All go take this super fast train will be enuff.. And our government can jolly well solved all the cars and traffic problems.. But of cuz my theory did not include the boarding and alighting time.. Anyway if it's reali that fast I doubt it has sufficient time to stop either..

Sometimes when u r sitting at void deck with ur frenz.. U will juz have this feeling that ah beng and ah lian are idling there doing nothing.. That's the mentality I have since sec sch days.. Den again.. Where can u find such ke ai and cute ah lian around like her? Keke.. =P And worst still.. Where on earth can u find such a nerd and stupid ah beng like me? Hahaha.. =D U know I juz enjoyed these little little moments we had.. Even though it's only 10 or 20mins.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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