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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Today WH looked so pale.. Cuz she was sick yesterday.. Poor WH.. *PatPat* And WH was so sweet loh.. She bought me mooncakes from Ritz.. That must be veri expensive loh.. Like wat Rene said Ritz's mooncakes are expensive de.. She also bought for Jan and Cher.. That's reali veri nice of her..

Went to Bedok for lunch today.. Missing crew is our HR leader.. Haha.. She is busy meeting with her MGB members.. Was asked how cum I saw Chan Ru suddenly so happy.. Haha.. Actuali is becuz of yesterday when YT suaned her.. Den I realized she kinda blur blur de.. Who else when using a com or lappy dun scroll down document to see it? LoLz.. Well.. Chan Ru doesn't.. Hahaha..

And when I saw Shar.. I think she is another funny fellow.. Imagine u will be fine 10cents for every min late.. And Shar she was fined a buck.. That's ten mins late.. Wahahaha.. And LY collected the one buck from her.. That's a great system to implement.. LoLz.. Can use as outing fund too..

Aaron was funny also.. Imagine the first time I saw him.. I feel he quite fierce de.. But after sitting down with him and the rest of my clique.. I find him a nice guy.. I wondered what did my Mrs Tan chatted with him when LY.. Sherr.. Rene and me went to canteen to tabao food for them and ourselves..

Today Wayne asked me.. U from afternoon class.. Cuz I asked for Class A attendance.. Den he asked me why I came in the morning.. Haha.. Guess what I answered.. I told him cuz morning class more lively and interesting.. And I said cuz Wayne himself is not energetic in the noon.. So kinda not fun at all.. Most imptly of cuz is to accompany her.. In the end Wayne said that's reali a gd answer.. Haha.. But now that he know it also no point le.. Next week will be the last lecture liao..

Juz today I helped Mrs Tan to buy "Lian Rong Pau" aka "Green Bean Paste Bun" from canteen.. I know she dun like black Lian Rong.. So I go asked the Pau auntie..

Me: Auntie.. 你的莲蓉包里面是黑色还是青色的?
Pau Auntie: 什么!! 什么黑色还是青色? 莲蓉就是莲蓉.. 那有什么黑色还是青色..
Me: ....
Pau Auntie: 豆沙包是黑的.. Jagung包是黄的.. 你问的是不是这两种? (Jagung is corn in Malay)
Me: 不是..
Me: Orhh.. 因为我的朋友说莲蓉包里面有两种颜色吗.. 所以我问问看..
Pau Auntie: 你的朋友骗你的啦..
Me: ....

In the end I juz buy it back.. Den told Step abt it.. He said where got black or green.. It's yellow colour only.. LoLz.. I feel so paiseh esp when there are ppl behind me when I buy the pau.. Overheard the conversation.. >_<~ Ppl tot I'm trying to be funny and giggled their life away..

And how much I detest humji taggers is juz as much as I hate noobs.. Who is childish in the first place? It probably those humji and useless noobs that only know how to criticize ppl without showing their true identity.. They probably love the trill of been caught at the end of the day.. Maybe that's called psychotic.. Self depriving.. Or even lack of love by her frenz.. So no point hiding behind that screen of urs.. It's juz pointless..

After months of spending time with her.. From my home to her home.. Though not alot of time as compared to others.. I think I kinda reached another level of my life with her.. At least I can take all the teasing or even critics from her.. And it juz appeared as nothing to me anymore.. Is that called maturity stage of one's thinking? Haha.. I'm saying as if I'm a bond that has maturity period.. >_<~ But I'm reali glad that u are still by my side..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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