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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Today go meet Jiamin and Alyssa for lunch.. Cuz I promise them that I will go down to meet them for lunch after my reservist.. I take cab down then on the cab I was writing greetings on the card for Jiamin bday.. Cuz the cab moving mah.. So like veri ugly.. Hehe.. Reaching Suntec I go shop shop around see got what gift suitable for her.. Walking around the whole Suntec then finally made a choice.. Then I go over to meet them.. Then they ask me to treat them eat.. LoLx.. Then thought can eat together.. But bo pian the boss say oni one can go at a time.. Then Jiamin and I go tabao for Alyssa and one of their colleagues.. In the end say I treat one then Jiamin go paid.. -_-" Then we returned and sit there eat.. Hurhur.. I eat with Jiamin first then with Alyssa.. They taking turns to eat.. So asked me to eat slowly so can accompany all of them eat.. LoLz ^_- Then when I was on the way home.. I saw this guy wearing those tight sleeveless shirt.. Knn like bapok loh.. Sibei xianlan somemore.. Pui.. I was walking behind him all the while looking at the way he walked.. He purposely knock other people shoulders when he walked past them.. So many people diaoz him loh.. He was lucky that the meeting with the gals boost my mood.. If not I will purposely from behind knock his shoulders.. See whether fun or not to knock other people shoulders..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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