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Friday, January 07, 2005

Friday is always a nice day to go jalan jalan with frenz.. Cuz nxt day is Saturday mah so no need to go sch.. But oni for this week.. Nxt week onwards Saturday got class liao.. So sianz.. Today when class finished.. I was in the toilet.. When I came out I saw Liying so I smile to her.. Then she stopped me keep asking me why no present for her bday.. LoLx.. Then she said she sms me.. Then I go see the sms its said "Where r u smelly yekai!!" {?_?} I was stunned by wat she sms.. LoLz.. Then few moment later she sms me again said "Humphz.. I angry.." Wahahaha.. Then just now go out with my classmates.. Going Plaza Singapura to eat.. After which we go play pool.. But Advin left us after we had our dinner.. Then we team up for the pool game.. Stephen and me versus Liyee and Sherry.. Win 4-1.. Haha wasted lah.. If 5-0 then got free Cartel treat.. Muwahahahaha.. Then after the game Stephen suggested we go arcade play a few rounds of games.. But both Liyee and Sherry were tired so they left first.. Then Stephen and me go to the X-Zone to play games loh.. We played the photohunt.. Damn hard leh.. No help one.. Unlike the original photohunt which at least got 3 helps.. We played till level 3 then game over liao.. Haha first time leh.. But the picture damn hard loh.. Zzzz.. Then we go played Time Crisis.. Haha also gameover.. Wahahaha.. ^^ After the game we go Starbucks sit down drink kopi and chat.. Nice chat though.. Reaching Tampines and I was in the queue of the Bus 69.. I saw my sis.. Blur like sotong.. Bro also nvr see.. LoLx.. =^_^=

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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