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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Went to the bus stop.. Din get there in time.. Two 69 went past together.. *Tiu* So I tot I gonna be late for class liao.. >_<~ But the next bus came not too long ago.. No seats so I went to the back end to sit loh.. Bus stopping at the next stop.. And I saw something familiar out of the window.. And ya.. It's our LPS gal.. Hehehe.. =P And ya it's our Bunbun loh.. Haha.. Gosh.. LPS plus white top.. Haha.. Best combo.. It's pure white.. Canot called her cuz got alot ppl ard me.. Paiseh mah.. *Blush* And so I wanted to chase after her when she alighted.. But she walked like wind lah.. But I think white colour is easy to spot one.. And guess what.. I glance over and so mani wearing white.. *Diaoz* And so I lost sight le.. =/

Reaching Dover.. Haha.. Kena said by Raz again loh.. Reason been I always like blind din see her ard.. LoLz.. Ya and I agreed with her.. No wonder Stephen said I look like Weilian.. LoLx.. In the bus asked her Chen Yu not ard ar.. The moment we tok abt her.. She appeared.. Hahaha.. Stephen (2005) pointed out that "白天不能说人.. 晚上不能说鬼".. Hahaha.. True indeed hor.. Chen Yu was telling us abt Serene.. Haha.. She indeed is funny loh.. I think Chen Yu called her duno what.. Then Serene replied "Yes mummy".. LoLz.. And then during break.. Stephen was asking whether he can take the tuna sandwich.. I said I wan to eat.. Then Stephen asked Chen Yu can he take the green pancake.. That is called pancake rite? I duno what the exact name.. Back to topic.. So Chen Yu said can.. And Serene said can she used the tuna sandwich to exchange for the pancake.. LoLz.. Sibei funny lah.. I think Liyee also kena the same in the end..

After sch we loitered ard.. Saying abt the OE article thingy.. Damn troublesome.. Can't Lamer Chan juz give some advices.. Zzz.. Forever one.. And seeing ppl queuing up like damn song for him.. He think he is Hello Kitty ar.. Toking abt Hello Kitty.. Haha.. Juz send some Hello Kitty cup noodles mail ard.. And reply from Stephen is "Wah liao.. Eat cat.. So cruel.. Worse than me leh.." And reply from Liyee is "Yeah eat cat is worse than eating dog.." For Liyee.. I believe he is animal lover especially cat.. For Shrek.. U mai lai lah.. Oops.. Wahahaha.. >_<

Liyee and Sherry went home by bus.. So Stephen and me went to town to have lunch.. Stephen as usual chiong that drumstick rice.. While for me.. I go for light delicacy loh.. And so I had Yong Tau Hu.. Tat uncle called me xiaodi.. Haha.. Paiseh lah.. And juz now at training got one secondary boy kena called uncle by one of the kids.. LoLz.. Damn buay song so he brought that boy to me.. Then asked me what age.. So I said 24 loh and I am married.. Heee.. =P That sec sch boy then said "He 24 and married u nvr called him uncle.. I oni secondary.. U called me uncle?" LOLz.. Then got a sec gal said I looked like 19.. Wahahaha.. Damn song loh.. Kena praise again.. =^^=

Back to topic.. Stephen and me happened to meet tio an old frenz.. Haha.. So we have lunch together also.. After that went for leisure loh.. Have a few rounds of pool game.. Haha.. I on fire.. Winning streak.. But kena break by Stephen loh.. Actuali the first two round is I heng one loh.. Cuz they shoot the Ball 8 in.. Ya so I tyco loh.. Recalling what Chen Yu said that nite.. What gift did Heaven bestowed me? Now I know.. It's tyconess loh.. Hehe.. Went to play Bishi Bashi.. The button spoilt loh.. So I asked the person to check it.. I duno how many credits he issued us.. Seem like unlimited.. LoLz.. Haha.. I am proud to say I managed to win Stephen in one round of the game.. And that is the "Growing of the Plant".. Yeah.. *Cheerios* Hehe.. =P But I think Bishi Bashi Version 2 is more fun than the original version.. So after the game we went to Mac to settle down.. Tried the new sauces for nuggets.. Wasabi.. Smokin.. And Tango Lemon.. Honestly I still prefer curry sauce.. It's still the best of best..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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