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Friday, October 28, 2005

Slp at 12+ and woke up at 4am to study OE.. Damn sianz.. Called Stephen so that he wun fell aslp.. It's so torturing.. And it's the first time I ever did it for the sake of exams.. As in woke up so early to study..

Reaching sch went to canteen to settle down.. Had coffee juz to keep myself awake.. And I managed to meet Xh.. So qiao.. She early too.. And she sat with me.. And that's reali the first time I got so close as in face to face contact with her.. Well I am veri happy.. And the first language she used is Mandarin.. Was impressed.. Cuz I tot she will speak to me in English first.. Haha.. Cuz she more of those English speaker.. Maybe she know I always speak Mandarin one ba.. Nearly lost my concentration to study.. Hehe.. And Stephen finali came.. Xh said Stephen like veri calm.. Haha.. Of cuz he is.. The title "Sophisticated" is not anyhow conferred one..

Finali the thorn for me is over.. Nothing to say also.. Juz hope for the best.. If NN then bopian also.. With that bad weather yesterday nite.. It's juz a bad omen for me.. Weather nvr been so bad with so much lightnings like yesterday..

The paper time is veri short loh.. Two hours write around nine pages is veri rubbish loh.. At least two and a half or three hours is juz nice.. Expect us to be like CPU.. With access memory is it..

I looked over to my left.. I am reali mesmerized by Sam.. She reali veri attractive to me.. Well at least to me ba.. I dun care how the others think also.. It's nothing right or wrong anyway if others dun feel like what I feel.. Everyone have their own stand.. Holding on to their stand is absolutely normal.. Well time to pick up the sport she likes.. Hahaha.. XD

And today saw Junyang and JJ loh.. Reali veri qiao.. They were having lunch at Paradiz Centre.. No wonder there are so many sch gals outside.. Tot what they were doing.. Wan their autograph go inside and ask loh.. They wun bite rite.. So hum for what.. Zzz..

Had a relaxing game of pool our clique.. Played Time Crisis with Rene.. She not bad leh.. Must be always played one.. And then we went to play Bishi Bashi Hyper Version.. She also veri zai leh.. @_@" And we kio quite a few free games without credits.. Hmm.. I also duno why loh.. Put in two credits like machiam buy two get six free.. Haha.. Well at least kio tio ba.. Actuali that's not the first time it happened le.. Last time also like that..

And our webby is finali up.. Hmm.. I feel like modifying abit.. Juz wan to make it to more professional ba.. But it will be kinda rude to the moderator.. Maybe I discussed with him ba.. Actuali thinking of after exams I do one.. But haiz.. Nvm.. At least someone bother to do..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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