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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

And today the results of presentations are out.. For Ep.. Mor.. And Mr.. And also the case studies for Mr.. Well.. At least we fared alrite.. And the rest of us also fare not too bad.. My clique specialization’s presentation like Ep and Mr also fared well.. Happy for them.. Well done guys and gals.. =]

Hmm is it I rem wrongly ar.. Cy said she din say abt the clip I mentioned in yesterday blog.. O_o Well.. But I got this image in my mind leh.. And I familiar of it.. Can't be dreaming ba.. Maybe is Joa and Stephen ba..

I was waiting for Sf to cum over my place today.. He said he will be cuming over.. So he said 10am ba.. And I waited till 1030am.. He's still not here.. And I know he confirm overslept liao.. I called him.. Indeed still in dreamland.. I told him it's 12noon alreadi.. He keep saying oh shit oh shit.. Funny.. Seldom look like his reaction..

Before he came over with his family vehicle.. I asked him to tabao two packets of vegetarian beehoon.. I told him I wan the original one hor.. Well cuz I veri fussy abt vegetarian bee hoon.. I oni eat those with original "toppings".. Haha.. =P And another thing is that it's costs only $1.70.. Wow.. Kinda great for ppl who wan to budget.. Haha.. Normal food also need at least $2.. Kinda save 30 cents.. Wahahahaha.. But hor 积少成多 mah.. Yahz..

And he win liao loh.. Asked him to wait for me outside the side gate.. He duno go where loh.. He went over to Joa's side then U-turn back ILLEGALLY.. And then went into the multi-storey carpark.. @_@" *Fainted* Cuz I obviously saw his car but how cum it's disappeared loh.. Then I tot I see wrongly.. And Sf and I tried the Japanese green tea.. Eeek.. Reali veri bitter leh.. >_<

Happened to hear a story today.. It's abt one of my frenz.. How do u feel when one of ur so called gd frenz give u a work piece sample.. Then he/she went to edit it before giving it to u.. In the end ur sample is juz totally different from her.. Is she doing it out of intention? I doubt so.. If he/she need a sample.. That means he/she need help too.. So by editing the sample and give it to u.. That's not helping.. Instead it’s view as sabotaging.. Well.. What can I say.. Will u be disappointed with what she did to u? It's still depend on individual ba.. For me I wun tolerate such NONSENSE.. And I will surely end this frenzship.. Cuz it’s reali no point to continue it..

I mean if he/she reali dun wan to give it to u.. Then dun give loh.. No need to go to such extend of editing the sample then pass it on to u.. It's juz suxs.. And if he/she is someone not close to u then still alrite.. But he/she is not loh.. In fact gd frenz for some times.. How would u feel? Betray or been backstab?

I'm reali quite disappointed and sad when I knew of such things happening.. Haix.. I duno what to do also.. It's dun involved me.. I can't intervene in it.. And I dun wan to be so kapo to interfere also.. Should I appraise on him/her again? Or should I pretend that nothing has happened? I dun like to appraise ppl again.. Cuz I will most likely dislike that person.. And not that I biased.. But with the things he/she did to his/her frenz.. Maybe I juz see how ba.. Knowing one side of the story dun reali allows me to pass judgment.. Maybe it's juz a misunderstanding afterall.. Who knows.. And I reali hope it's juz a misunderstanding..

But at least I'm sure that my frenz around me isn't like that.. Which I am most glad about it.. This saying is so true.. 江湖险恶.. 人心更险.. Well juz a general statement.. The world is full of all kinds of ppl.. Know it well enuff for ones' own good.. Even an archangel can becum a fallen one.. Let alone human beings..

Haha.. Well.. Was kena suan by Cy juz now.. Told her that I am going for my Wushu later.. So she asked me how is my Tkd also.. And she added "Still invisible belt ar?" Wahahaha.. I fell off my chair.. So funny.. Well.. I duno either.. I duno whether Bunbun will be going for training tomolow or not.. If she going then I might be going too..

Juz came back from training.. Well that ahlian is here today.. After so many weeks if MIA finali appeared.. Of cuz she is here for business.. Juz to return something loh.. I juz can't stand her.. See me always punch my back.. Knn one loh.. I'm not her "whoever" which she thinks I am.. She thinks she is Cy or Joa ar.. Only Cy and Joa have that privilege to scold and punch me.. Other than that no one else ok.. Told me she joined simi gang blah blah blah.. I was like huh? Ok.. So veri cool is it? Zzz.. Gals like her age simply dun listen to ppl advices or opinions ba.. She asked for my number.. I juz tell her straight I only give my number to "mature" gals who I like.. Wahahahaha.. Shiok.. Well maybe she might juz called her gang and hatam me for that ba.. Who cares anyway..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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