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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

When borders no longer matter..

Lately seem to be alot of troubles emerging from r/s and well maybe got other categories also ba.. Rene seem to be veri upset abt what her frenz told her.. Why? Rene u have ur life to live.. U live as what u are.. Not as what ppl want u to be.. No one can lay the path for u to go.. Only u urself can.. Or perhaps Mother Nature.. Rene be brave ok.. Tears might be a need afterall.. But strength is all u got to have for now.. U still got big sistas like Cy n Bun to hold u up.. =)

Bun also seem to be fed up with her frenz ba.. Haiz.. Sometimes even when things dun involve ownself.. But as one listen n listen.. One will feel that urge in their heart.. They ask themselves of why such things happened.. But that's reality.. Sometimes one might juz had enuff of what is going around in this world.. Seeing too much is such a pain..

How does it feel when ur mum told u that she met her old doctor frenz.. And her frenz told her that have so many children for what.. Cuz when everyone of them grow up.. They will go their own respective way juz becuz their wings has grown fully.. Ignoring their parents or whatsoever.. And my mum juz emphasized it to me.. I mean it's still depends on individuals loh.. What happened to other ppl might not be the same for the rest also.. And there always this saying that "Daughter is juz water been splashed out of house" while "Son is juz as useless cuz they will listen to whatever their wife said".. How true is it? What era are we in now? Maybe the only time when all these tradition thinkings will be abolished is when those of my age or below reali have their own family le.. This is when we replace the older conservative generation with our generation.. Cuz only we understand that all these sayings are merely tradition been passed down..

And so my theme of today.. "When borders no longer matter.." How true.. When the quake btwn Pakistan and India occurred.. Many had died.. It was sad.. But at least their deaths exchanged something which can nvr happened for the past 50 yrs.. Over the last 50 yrs.. Bloody wars have been fought btwn Pakistan and India over Kashmir.. But now the militant said that they are putting down their guns.. Cuz the militant of each countries saw how each countries helped one another.. Juz like 患难见真情.. It's reali veri warmth afterall.. Why all these killings juz becuz of some disagreements.. After all they also wished for peaceful days in their countries..

I was having this tot of "When luv no longer matter.." When something happened btwn u and ur frenz.. And u juz wan to put a full stop to that case.. U dun wan to luv anymore.. But no matter how u do it.. U are juz that unsuccessful.. It's juz keep haunting u.. Maybe afterall been frenz is still the best.. At least as frenz.. One wun feel so weird when asked ur other gender frenz out.. Or even they can still laugh and joke over matters.. Emotion is sure a great feeling but it can also be a grievous one.. While sex is juz an emotion in motion.. How ironic..

Does a frenzship that has failed can be eventually rebuilt back again? And when someone juz wan u to try once again from scratch.. Then slowly build it up again.. It is juz too hard for u to do it? Should u try or not? Guess it's judgement call again.. It's juz like building a house.. From foundation to stump level.. From stump level to columns to beams to slabs.. And then finali to the attic and roof.. It's juz takes years.. But after all the determination and persistance that person give u.. Will u still tried afterall? For me.. I know I can be bad in my temper and be hard-hearted but I duno why I sometimes juz unable to 恨下心 to do what I should do.. I juz dun have that firm heart like some of frenz did..

This song is the theme of the movie "Shen Hua".. I guess when I listen to it for the first time.. It does hit me.. Juz like when I listen to Tong Hua for the veri first time.. Haha.. And I got my aspirations for this sem project liao.. Most likely will be this one.. Haha.. Alrite shall engage the Board of Directors soon to discuss it.. ^^ This song kinda describe a guy feelings.. "Even when the stars dropped.. And the wind blows.. He wun change his heart and mind even if for a 1000 yrs.. He promises that.. No matter how much hardships he went through.. He juz wun give up.. Every night the pain juz shoot through his heart.. His tots for her juz dun cum to an end.. Used to the loneliness he had.. He smiled to face it.. He wan her to believe that he choose to wait for her no matter what.. No matter what pain and sufferings he had to face in the end.. He wun run away.. He wan the gal to know that only her can save him from all these.." Haiz.. Reali nice.. I like it.. It's veri meaningful.. Exactly describe how I feel.. I dun mind to wait that her afterall.. Reali.. =/

Anyway this song is specially dedicated for those who thinks they feel down for quite some time.. And to everyone from my clique.. Everyone I know.. I cherish.. I hate.. I like.. And I luv.. Lastly to those that believe there will be happy ending for them.. Believe in the myth of achieving happy ending might be a gd thing afterall.. Maybe not for long.. But I hope at least for now.. Live on with their life and be happy.. 爱是心中唯一不变美丽的神话..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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