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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Actually was reali veri in-motivated to study for the cuming exams.. Is juz like dun have that mood to start it.. And when there is so much things happening here and there.. It’s juz turn me off to juz even push myself to take a pen to start doing my bf..

And finali the last project is done.. Such a headache with all these projects.. It’s reali not fair when we are the last and only batch for all these shit things.. And those going to Sem 3 one will have at least 3/4 change in modules.. They are fortunate that oe is been taken away.. And ya Liyee will be sending ER over to sch tonite.. Thankz for the effort pal..

I was listening to one of my frenz when he told me about what had happened to him.. I duno what the name of those gals he encountered.. So I juz narrated it in simple context ba.. My frenz Guy A like this Gal A.. But he juz nvr told Gal A about it.. And there is one day that Gal A’s frenz Gal B and Gal C speculate that Guy A like Gal A.. So they told Gal A but Gal A dun believe.. But as time passes.. Gal A sort of believe half and disbelieve half.. Then there is one day that Gal A force Guy A to say who he likes.. And when Guy A said it’s her.. Gal A was kinda reali shocked..

And so the story continue to where Gal A told Gal B about it.. Gal B said why didn’t Gal A believe her in the first place.. Now the matter is sort of an embarrassment.. Gal B juz reprimanded Gal A off that did she know what is the consequences of what she did.. Gal B said Gal A obviously know that Guy A likes her then why did she still wanted to dig it out.. Gal B said what can Gal A benefit from when she know about that Guy A likes her.. Is it Gal A wanted to confirm it? No idea.. Gal B said is it so that Gal A can 暗爽 that got ppl like her? And Gal B said Gal A already attached liao why still wanted to do such thing.. So what if Gal A knows the truth? Will she break up juz becuz of Guy A? How will Guy A thinks and feels? It's juz hurt Guy A loh.. It's reali kinda tiu loh.. I also agree with what Gal B said.. Hmm.. Is Gal A trying to be funny or what? Haha.. Who knows..

I juz have a general question to ask u ppl.. Disregard whether gals or guys.. Do u ppl think that there are more things to look forward to in life? I mean except for r/s what do u ppl till look forward to? Is it play and leisure? I was been asked this question by my frenz.. So I also duno how to answer it.. I mean for me I will surely say settle down loh.. Haha.. That’s the logical thinking mah.. LoLz.. Anyway my frenz juz tell me to look forward for more things in life loh.. My frenz said settling down is not the main objective in life.. Hmm.. How true is that?

I reali duno.. Cuz having a life partner might not reali be that impt to some ppl after all.. I reali can’t comment.. So is settling down reali a veri wrong thing to do? I reali pondered for an answer.. I guess it’s still based on individuals ba.. Different ppl see things differently with different perceptions.. Yup and it’s a fact.. Eh u ppl must think of the question I asked u all hor.. I will ask u all when I see u all again.. All those duno how to answer one will sign xtras.. The higher the hierarchy u are in.. The more u sign.. Says if for Stephen’s rank.. He’s Tong Mo Mo mah.. So quite high position.. So he will sign around 20 ba.. Hehehe.. >_<~

Actuali juz now in the afternoon I managed to get my sis in law vehicle.. Haha.. Yea.. Finali loh.. Was quite upset with my parents when they dun allow me to use my sis in law vehicle.. And I drove back from his company back to my place.. Alrite since no so much vehicles on the road.. But when cum to parking I kinda sia suay loh.. Haha heng no ppl in the carpark.. Juz show u guys how terrible I am..

Lot A
Lot B
Lot C

Haha X is where the car end up finali.. Wahahahah.. I person take two lots.. >_<~ And I wanted to go out town to fetch Jiawen and Joa later for training.. But hor.. I din know the way there.. And if got ERP I dun have cash card.. Hahaha.. Haiz.. So in the end I juz feel better not.. So I told Joa to wait for me at the Tanah Merah taxi stand there.. When Jiawen and Joa came.. I guess I too kanjiong then so called jerk the vehicle.. Yup and Joa said I din not buy insurance.. @_@" Well I am a safe driver hor.. =X

Run and run till feet blisters.. It's hard concrete surface floor.. So it's ain't surprised at all.. Today Sir they all wanted to go Yishun eat.. So I guess I can't go cuz I got to return back the vehicle to my sis in law.. Haiz.. Then again can't be everytime also go to our homeground mah.. Saw some pic that gonna suan Liyee one.. Well it will be post up soon by Joa.. Haha.. Liyee sms us abt the handling of ER had been accomplished and he added.. Dun slack and start studying! LoLz.. Joa see liao said machiam Liyee started liao.. Then sms back Liyee juz to counter him.. Well Liyee indeed start liao..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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