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Monday, September 19, 2005

My Last Will..

1) Everything we gone through and everyone we meet in life is for a purpose.. May it be for good or bad.. But at the end of the day.. It's whether we wanna learn from all that we have gone through and be a better person.. And sometimes in order to move on in life.. You need to learn to lay down some things which may not be veri useful to u after all.. (Stephen, 2005)

--> I agree with Stephen.. I reali shouldn't let boliao matter that dun involve me get into my head.. I reali shouldn't have did it.. What else can be more impt than u..

2) A star fell to Earth one nite and asked me wat I wanted.. "A million dollars or a gd frenz?" I chose the million dollars.. Cuz I alreadi have u as a gd frenz..

--> Though I am not a reali close or good frenz to u.. But I reali cherished u alot.. Reali.. I swear sincerely with all my heart.. Or I die horribly.. The time when I first saw u.. I know u r special.. I reali enjoy those moments we had together.. Badminton.. Ktv.. Pool.. Tennis.. Etc..

3) A frenz is never a coincidence in ur life.. They are meant to enter ur life to bring u joy and laughter.. So I will treasure the frenzship btwn us..

--> I duno whether I ever bring u any joy or laughter in ur life till now.. Or instead I have brought u a chunk of headaches or unhappiness.. I know I wun be able to seek for ur forgiveness.. Whether u forgive me or not.. I will still treasure the frenzship I ever have with u..

4) One huge Earth with so many ppl.. Not by chance.. Not by luck.. But by destiny that I met u..

--> Six Years ago.. When I first moved here.. I nvr get the chance to meet u.. The chance is so minimal that I dun even know that I have a frenz juz 300m away from me.. And finali after six years.. I get to meet u on the bus.. It's reali not by luck or opportunity.. I believe it is destiny.. I reali hope that this destiny will continue..

5) Happiness isn't found at the end of the road.. It is experienced along the way.. So I find a reason to be happy each day of my life..

--> Indeed happiness isn't found anywhere on the street.. Though Sem 1 we are not frenz yet.. But when time passes.. Sem 2 till now.. I experienced happiness that I reali dun have in my 23 yrs of life.. And it's u and the rest of the clique that give me this happiness in life..

6) If there is one thing in my life.. I would not regret is choosing u and making u my frenz..

--> Even though we had tiff often.. Our personalities crash often.. I know is a reality that things wun always flow smoothly for us.. But I am sure that I wun regret making u as a frenz till now.. If there's reali got future life.. I reali hope to be with u and the rest again..

7) Frenz are like boxes of chocolates.. U will nvr know what u are going to get.. Din know it's true until when I first know a gal.. And that's u.. I juz knew for myself that I have gotten the sweetest box in the whole world.. I cannot promise to be that box of sweetest chocolates in ur life.. But at least I wun be that box of bitter chocolates in ur life again.. I promise.. (yeKai, 2005)

--> I know I might be at fault.. And I will change for a better one.. I know I know I know.. I reali have a veri veri veri bad temper.. Bad till no one can take it.. I reali duno what to say.. I reali hope that we can be like last time again.. I din tok to u is not becuz I am angry over that matter.. I am reali not.. Cuz I tot u angry over me..

In The End..
Though Our Friendship May Have Strained..
But We Must Never Break Our Bonds Of Friendship..
We Remember Not The Words Of Our Enemies..
But The Silence Of Our Dear Friends..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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