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Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I reali hates ppl that dun understand the meaning of queuing up.. Can't they see that there are other ppl waiting also.. And the queue is everybody.. Not juz theirs.. Think ur father own the queue is it.. In the afternoon alreadi can't get to let Chan Lai Huat see the article liao.. So today die die must let him see it.. And see what is his response.. And there are ppl purposely wanted to turn me off..

There was this red top gal from Class B with her grp.. It's fine with me since u in the queue at the front.. But can't they jolly well one shot asked finish whatever qns they had in mind.. I understand that sometimes there might be things that ones would forget.. And if that so.. Can't they juz queue from the back and asked again.. Chan Lai Huat from the beginning alreadi emphasized if wanted to ask again need to re-queue.. Obviously some of them dun understand English..

One grp alreadi enuff liao.. And James's grp joined in the fun also.. Same old thing again.. Once u left the queue means ur turn is over alreadi.. Simple thing like that also dun understand? For those that think I am criticizing their handsome James.. So sorri.. It's a fact.. Not happy then too bad.. I dun think I will need to explain to them the basic principles of courtesy.. Which I feel they dun have.. Alreadi adults yet simple concept like queuing up again they dun knw is it.. I think they got to apply for kindergarten again.. Let the teachers there teach them from scratch of what is basic courtesy and queuing up.. Since Fiona's grp also kena mesmerized by James.. So they allowed James's grp to continue.. So be it.. I got no say in it..

The only glad thing is that Eric actuali knows that he is behind us.. And when Bridger came over and tot it's their turn.. Eric stopped her said it's my grp turn.. Eric and Bridger belong to same grp.. I am reali glad of the courtesy that Eric shown to me.. I have mentioned many times before if someone is gd to me in whichever ways.. I will be gd to him or her back double.. And vice versa.. So I let Eric consult Chan Lai Huat first.. Though I dun knw Eric at all.. His action definitely appeased my anger towards those ppl that cut the queue..

And guess what.. Jm and Alys's grp also did the same thing.. Wtf is this? Totally disappointed in them.. Or maybe they juz think it's the stupid yeKai's turn so it's alrite to cut in front of him.. Although Jm is quite a gd frenz of mine.. But I dun care when I am down to business.. Especially when I got to rush home to have my dinner and go for training.. I dun wish to vomit during training juz becuz I got home late and had my dinner late.. I am racing against time.. And I dun lived Jurong or Clementi..

When it's time for some serious stuff I give no face to anyone.. Whether u r my gd frenz or not!! I will draw a line btwn personal and business.. Unless otherwise someone special.. Emphasizing on what Chan Lai Huat said in lecture today abt the pregnant lady and whether u will give up ur seat for her.. Although Liyee and Stephen had heard it many times.. I gonna said it out again.. My answer is "我要给你坐.. 是出于人情.. 我不要给你坐.. 我是没有欠你的.." So it's also apply to the cutting queue thingy.. I wan let u cut.. Blah blah blah.. I dun wan let u cut.. Blah blah blah..

Dun like my attitude.. That's their problem!! Take it or leave it!! And like Chan Lai Huat said today during the psychological test.. I belong to those bad temper type which nobody likes.. And I dun reali care.. Got frenz or no frenz doesn't matter to me much.. The most I will be alone oni.. And that's what I have gone through all these years.. And it's nothing fresh and new to me.. I live my way..

U left ur queue and that it.. Queue again and wait for ur turn.. U want to leave early.. I also want too.. Dun be a selfish bastard and convert all ur selfish thinkings into someone else burden.. Especially me.. Though I am weak in r/s but that dun put me into those weak category.. Taking advantages and think I will keep quiet like a mouse.. I dun take these craps.. I reali canot imagine if everyone that left the queue came back to consult Chan Lai Huat again.. Then when will my turn finali arrived? It's juz like neverending story..

If not for Chan Lai Huat who stopped Jm's grp from asking.. And asked them to queue again.. I think I probably will lose my temper and asked them to siam.. Which I think I will.. Given that volcanic bad temper of mine.. Reali trying hard to change my temper.. But it's hard.. Leopard dun change its spots.. Maybe I will finali succeed in changing when I finali meet that special one..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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