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Monday, September 05, 2005

Today woke up ard 8 plus.. But idled a while more in bed.. And fell asleep again.. At 0936hrs.. Received a sms.. I tot is Stephen.. He was saying maybe he will be cuming over today mah.. Was sure is him cuz I reminded him yesterday to let me knw early loh.. Chey I tot he so obedient loh.. LoLz.. Btwn it's Bunbun's sms.. She said she cuming over to swim..

Ard 10 plus.. Bunbun and her sis came over.. As usual I would left them there and I went upstairs.. So I stayed home to study my finance.. Aiya but then I fell asleep again.. Haha.. *Diaoz* So the girls finali finished the swim.. I told Bunbun to let me knw when they were done so can have lunch together.. And I din picked up the ponecall.. Picked up the second time kena niao by Bunbun.. Hahaha.. *Ears pain*

Went to coffeeshop to have lunch.. Had miniport for Bunbun and me.. While Hokkien mee for Hanhan.. After lunch I went over to Bunbun's place.. And ya.. We will be bringing Doudou out for a walk.. Looking through the photo album.. Aim is to see how Yaozong looked like when in college times.. He was from OAC.. Last time always tekkan Bunbun and Ailing they all.. Becuz of his face is red.. So they always called him Guan Gong loh.. Haha.. And saw some other photos.. Quite nice leh.. Feel like stealing a few.. Oops.. Hahaha.. >_<~

Went out with Doudou.. And it's started to rain liao.. Doudou must be feeling sianz.. Bring Doudou over to the park opposite.. So the three of us continued the walk with Doudou despite the rain.. Bunbun was saying ppl might think we siao.. Haha.. Indeed true mah.. Walked till Millennium Court.. A place where hockey players gathered for hockey.. Leaving the place.. Doudou saw another dog.. Then chased after it.. I was reali stunned when I saw that.. I din know what to do.. Btwn my duty is to chase after Doudou when he ran away.. That other dog looked like a small sheep to me.. I was like huh? A sheep ran past me and Doudou is chasing it.. @_@" Haha.. When Doudou U-turned back to chase the dog again.. I ran and catch Doudou.. Wow.. It was a moment that I felt I was like playing rugby.. Hahaha..

And we went to the Mama shop to buy some drinks.. Saw our childhood cake.. Hiro Hiro.. Hehehe.. My favourite is that Doraemon.. With toy inside one.. And Bunbun bought something that can blow bubbles out.. Wanting to take a pic of Doudou with bubbles ard him.. And Doudou seem to be not cooperative loh.. Maybe too shag liao.. Run and run till his leg now abit lame.. And Hanhan bought those tubes that can blow into big bubbles also.. Those that can make shapes also one.. And when the bubble leak air.. She would smash it onto Bunbun's face.. And I laughed so that means I was also kena.. This pair of sisters is damn funny..

After the fun and relaxing walk.. We went back again.. Sitting on the sofa.. So I went over to see the hamsters.. Hanhan was saying that the below one is notti.. As in will bite ppl one loh.. So she bring out the top one which is more obedient.. That was my first time I had a hamster in my palm.. It's tickling.. Heee.. ^^ So small also.. Bunbun showed me this potato chip.. Asked me to try it.. It's not those normal one.. So I decided to try.. I tried to break it into two parts.. But not successful.. Kaoz.. When she showed me what is it.. I was like huh? That's Doudou food leh.. Anyway it's reali veri elastic loh.. Not easy to break it even if I chewed it..

And so we headed for Pet Safari at Simei.. Saw a few breed of doggies.. That time I got saw this snow white doggie with blue eyes.. It's juz like the one I saw today.. I think it's nice.. Bought Doudou's stuff.. And then went to have our dinner at BK.. I rem I took four straws.. Hmm why becum oni three leh.. So I went to the counter to take another one.. On the way back.. I saw a straw on the floor.. Now I know why liao..

After dinner went to shop ard at Eastpoint premises.. Then we left for Tampines.. Bunbun and Hanhan wanted to go NTUC to buy pineapple juice.. I think a while of why.. Oh then I rem she was saying she wanted to create the pineapple vodka.. Btwn Converse is having great sale at TM.. Haha.. Interested participants can go down ba.. Had fun today.. Watching the 9pm Channel 8 series.. Wanna laughed till beng loh.. I cannot believe what Le Yao is doing loh.. Haha.. Can fake making love sound like that loh.. Wahahaha.. Shaked the bed and rammed the wall.. LoLz.. But then it's well done lah.. Oops.. >_<~ Hmm.. The Incredible Tales today like not so gd leh.. Time for some snacks le..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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