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Friday, September 02, 2005

And so finali Project Superstars came to a finale.. The great one emerged at last.. And Weilian takes all.. Different ppl wanted different contestants to win.. Some wanted Kelly while some wanted Weilian.. Kelly lost doesn't mean she suxs.. Juz no luck oni.. Weilian win doesn't mean he been pitied by ppl.. All in all.. Both are great singers.. His strength is her weakness.. While her strength is his weakness.. Both of them been issued with a contract.. Great for Kelly.. At least her talent will be used even though she din won.. Maybe Junyang and Xinhui should deserve something too.. Toking abt Xinhui.. She reali veri pretti last nite.. My soul nearly kena hooked away by her.. >_<~ I din know she can be that attractive.. Now I realise everyone can look veri attractive.. It's juz a matter of how they project and present themselves.. And when Junyang and Xinhui sang Wu Ding together tat time.. Wooo.. The way Xinhui leaned in the arms of Junyang reali veri the seductive loh.. I mean she reali trying her best to put herself into the story of Wu Ding.. I wondered how Candyce felt when she saw that.. Must be filling with vinegar ba.. Hahaha.. =P

Went to sch today.. Went past Q-Bread.. And I heard Tong Hua.. I listened abit more.. Huh.. Why seem so different.. And realised it's Weilian CD.. No need to be so onz ba.. The moment he becum Champion.. Then everything changes.. Like reali veri fake loh.. So unrealistic.. @_@ Then again that is a typical Singaporean.. The culture is always there.. Must be on trend no matter what.. If all ppl listening to Weilian CD.. Then every single of the others will roam into shops and grabbed it at all costs.. I believe what Stephen said is true.. Since their contract is one year.. So after one year.. Things will be back to normal again.. Weilian most likely will be history.. Juz like Taufik.. But whu knws maybe Weilian can be like JJ number two.. But tat chance is quite marginal..

Waiting for bus today.. Saw a couple at the middle of the escalator hugging like duno wat.. For goodness sake loh.. Pls dun be so extra in public loh.. Want to show they damn loving is it.. To me is disgusting.. With so many pairs of eyes looking at them.. Doesn't they feel a moment of shame.. Again that is the asset of Singaporean.. Face as thick as kelvar vest.. Zzz.. And is it so heng that we took the same bus and they sat in front of me.. *Puke* And that they alighted at SIM too..

Liyee came to sch early today.. And he saw Chia Boon Cher looked damn sad.. Becuz the class is empty even during 0930hrs.. Haha.. Aiyo he should be used to it liao mah.. Oops.. =X And by rite we should have 15 mins break everytime.. But we took like 30 mins.. Haha.. Shiok loh.. Anyway Mr Chia himself also took ard 30 mins loh.. We saw him in toilet.. Also wanted to eat snake loh.. Heee.. Kena caught by us.. And whenever got ppl toking in class.. He will 1)"Hello Hello" 2)"Are u OK?" 3)"Are we ready to start?".. Hahaha.. And hor Stephen like to imitate 1) and 2) loh.. And it's exactly the tone and aura of Mr Chia loh.. Haha.. U guys should ask him to demostrate it.. But then he is Shrek mah.. No wonder.. Wahahaha.. ^^ And wanted to meet * at TM after sch one.. She asked me to jalan jalan with her.. But she abit later then can leave.. So I went home loh.. Anyway it's raining big big also.. Bad weather for jalan jalan also.. Oops.. Ok.. TM is sheltered anyway.. LoLz.. Ok now I shall see our naive gal bloggy as describes by our Chen Yu.. Btwn it's Serene I mean..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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