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Thursday, September 08, 2005

Alreadi stress up with my tons of assignments and cuming exams.. Yet I can't have a piece of peacful mind.. I reali hope that when I go for training.. It will be a relaxing and fun thing.. And yet there are controversies among the team.. The following are the conversations of some of them.. And I juz put my comments to these statements of how I feel..

It's a team sport.. Sacrifices have to be made and it's true.. I'm committed to the cause and I'm even willing to do my own training to bulk myself up.. However if the training remains on Sat.. It will make things very complicated.. I really hope to hear the reasons from some of you guys for choosing Saturday afternoon 3pm to 6pm.. It's just weird and it just basically burns out the whole Sat.. I mean what can you really do on Saturday morning or even after training? Nothing much right.. I attend school and work on weekdays.. Weekends are the only time I have some social life and burning a whole saturday is not my ideal kind of social life.. My point is to make it at 9am to 12noon.. Any day whether Sat or Sun.. At least I still have my afternoon and night where I can do something.. It can even be alternate Sat afternoon and Sun morning.. I will be more than happy to go with that.. This might all sound selfish on first read but let's face it.. We all have our own preferences and even sacrifices of varying degree.. I just hope to hear from some of the people who voted for Saturday afternoon to justify why I should give up my Saturday for the "Majority"..

My Comments:
Firstly.. Actuali for Saturday morning.. Some of the ppl have classes which I believe they do.. I have frenz like Sherry and Yongtang also got EP in the afternoon.. So Noel's statement of "I mean what can you really do on Saturday morning" is reali veri unreasonable.. He dun have classes on Sat doesn't mean that the rest dun have right?

Secondly.. He said "He attend classes and work during weekdays.. And weekends are the only time that he can have some social life and burning a whole Saturday is not his ideal kind of social life".. Ok so does that matter? I will like to say working during weekdays is merely his own choice.. Nobody force him to work right? Seeing in another way maybe he need to pay for his own sch fees.. So I understand.. But why my frenz like Bunbun and Chen Yu working so mani days per week and yet they can manage their life.. That's totally no excuses for that.. If burning a Sat is not his type of social life and he can't sacrifice for the sake of this team.. He can jolly well quit Dragonboat.. Nobody force him to continue anyway..

Thirdly.. He said "Why I should give up my Saturday for the Majority".. This statement is not nice loh.. I dun like it.. All these while it's always the majority rulez.. So it a bopian thing right? And if he refuses to give up for the majority.. Then why should the majority give up for him.. He is nothing juz a minority.. I voted for Sun morning and I am also a minority.. But I still attend the Sat training.. Why? Becuz I am committed to it.. It's juz like even if I have alot of stuffs to do.. I still need to sacrifice some time out of my life for my gf.. Since it's me who woo after her so I can't simply chuck her aside when I got her.. Though I knw some guys did that.. And there is a live example.. Same goes for Dragonboat.. Since it's u that joined the team first so u have the responsibility to manage ur time to suit the team.. It's reali the process of give and take.. Give in some and whu knws.. U might get back what u wanted in the end..

As i have said before.. There is no end to the issue on the timings.. Everyone has their preferred timing.. So how to SATISFY EVERYONE? No matter how much poll been set up.. And no matter what the result will be.. Ppl will still complain.. Everyone still want their own timing!! The re-voting issue really make me puzzled..

1) Only 15 votes.. Though the number is small but dun it still represent at least 75 percent of our total membership?
2) Why is there a need for unlimited vote? This is not any Superstar contest ok!!
3) I tot we have agreed that we shall take the result of the poll as our confirmed training dates? And now that the result is as such.. Then re-vote is to be conducted.. Why? And why should reasons be given for the dates each individual has chosen?
4) Sorry that I did not click on the icon that allow identity to be shown for the votes.. But does it matter?
5) Why is Saturday afternoon training a problem.. When we can see so many other teams training?

I feel that we will never solved this problem and maybe it is my mistake to have a poll in the first place.. But in any case.. We will have another poll to make everyone happy.. And this is going to be the last one.. And we shall closed this case.. Hope you guys co-operate.. And understand that the above content is not against anyone.. We still need feedbacks to improve.. But pls put in better ways and not to critise.. Thankz..

My Comments:
Firstly.. I agreed with Ming that everyone wants their own timing.. Everyone got their likings.. For instance.. What I like in this gal.. Another guy might not see in the same views as me.. How to satisfy one and every of them..

Secondly.. Ming said "Why is Saturday afternoon training a problem.. When we can see so many other teams training".. Ming is right loh.. I reali can see so many ppl going for training on Sat.. Especially from the Commandos side.. I mean we all know that in NS.. We only get to book out on Sat and Sun.. What makes the Commandos so zai that they no need social life also? They are humans too.. They got their gf and personal life.. Having 5 days in Hendon Camp chionging and no time to rest.. While on Sat and Sun they have Dragonboat training.. And I knw some ppl will say that they are commandos what.. So that's their duties.. If they gonna say that then I nothing to say.. Does that mean sacrificing for juz 3 to 4 hrs on Sat for our training reali meant that much to some of our ppl? I reali wondering why.. Is it becuz of r/s or what?

I feel that Ming as a leader has reali done his best liao.. Having a vote in the first place is not a mistake.. That' what I feel.. It's juz a form of democracy.. And SG itself is one.. Yesterday his reply also sianz sianz one.. Can see it.. But hope that wun affect his Dragonboat race in Thailand this week.. Hope he can return in victory.. Long Live SAFSA..

Yup.. I totally agree with Ming.. If we are really commited in joining the Dragonboat team.. Then we must pay the price to go for training such as not working on saturdays (Even if training falls on a Saturday).. It's a choice loh.. We have to choose between both of them.. We can't possibly expect to have the best of both worlds right? This is reality.. Sorry!

My Comments:
I agree with Yaozong on what he said "We can't possibly expect to have the best of both worlds right".. But I dun reali like that last sentence he said "This is reality.. Sorry!".. It's juz dun sound nice to me.. Machiam like mocking someone..

And the student week will be next week.. On the 14th.. 15th and 16th of Sept.. And 14th Sept will be preparation.. Recruitment starts again.. I am duno whether I got the time to help.. Test on the 15th and even after test.. I got to rush for my grp OE assignment.. It's due on the 19th.. Haiz.. Life suxs.. Lastly I will like to apologise for my temper yesterday.. And it's not to those that cut queue.. It's to Bunbun.. Liyee and Shreky.. Sorri for not drawing lines clearly again.. And thankz for the tolerance towards me all these times..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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