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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

It's 1133am.. Juz as I looked up the sky now.. It’s filled with gloomy clouds.. And it’s exactly describe the feelings I have now.. Gloomy.. Dishearten.. And end of the world.. And I was waiting for Ly.. Steph and Sf to be here..

Though sometimes reali dun wish to hear comments that are discouraging but I guess it’s time to accept some true hard facts.. Actuali what X say was rite.. There ain’t any form of chemical substance btwn some ppl.. And that y it’s reali hard and impossible to create that magical dew btwn some ppl.. When ppl keep asking u to drop that idea.. And yet ur stubborn mind refuses to.. Refuses to let fate control everything.. And keep saying I wan to be the one controlling fate.. Then I guess u have watched too much Feng Yun le.. Guess it’s always rite to listen to ppl.. Esp when they are much more higher level than u.. Experienced like old bird while u r juz a chick that dun know how to fly at all.. Juz like when playing rpg.. If u r juz a freaking low lvl fellow.. Says like having a Lvl 1 status.. Dun ever think of beating a Lvl 99 boss.. Which it’s impossible at all.. And if u think u can.. Then dream on.. Anyway I have nvr intend to create any miracle at all.. Cuz I think it dun reali worth it at all..

Toking abt when doing projects.. It’s always the most problematic of all stuffs.. When A juz wan B to finish the project on hand first.. But B dun wan.. When B told me tat I reali understand how B feel.. And ya though the rest dun feel that way.. But B said that this feeling is not nice.. I agree with B.. Whu wan to be free rider or loader.. Sometimes I juz feel that I reali belong to some classes of freeloader.. I din do much.. I din contribute much.. And I din help much.. Then again.. This is when real frenzship cum in.. B can see that how A cares towards B.. What are frenz for? My ans is to give and take.. I have say this in here many times.. Everyone will understand it..

And when I had a major project long time ago.. I told Z that I reali duno what to say in meeting sometimes.. I think and think hoping to give some ideas but whenever I think of any idea.. The rest already think of it.. And Y told me dun think that way.. Z said no one in the group will think that way.. I admit that I reali have low EQ and IQ.. Given the fact that I reali dun have any form of strengths in my whole life.. I juz hope that I can have juz at least one plus point.. And dun reali wish to hear critics from ppl.. Cuz with temper I will easily blow off.. Esp when they think that they are juz that great and superior towards me.. Which to me I dun feel it that way..

When toking also can’t tok properly.. Mumble here and there.. And always wun win in toking against ppl.. That feeling reali suxs.. And that explain the point of why my ps in the end din push me into Safti despite the fact that he wan to.. Maybe he feels that if I ever get into Safti.. I will die there first becuz of those eloquent sweet tokers in there.. And I knw for myself I not even a micro percent of them.. That's reali my greatest yi han in my whole life.. I regret as I flashed back those memories.. I should have adopt absorption in contract earlier.. Nvm.. Hopefully after 2007 I will reali fulfil my dream.. But most slightly will be spec.. Haiz.. Reali loh.. Once chance is gone.. It's forever gone.. There wun be a second chance.. Same concept goes for r/s too.. I finali realize fitness is not everything.. Know how to tok is the only crucial survivor keys.. Tok like Chan Lai Huat and made ppl detest him.. Learn how to insult ppl.. Criticize ppl.. And when that happen.. U r then reali successful in life le..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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