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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Looking forward to today training cuz got new ppl cuming for trial.. Until I received a call which spoilt my mood.. Shouldn't have pick up the call.. Ok anyway why should I care abt some ppl when I seem to be a chess pawn to them..

Reaching the pontoon.. Saw Amo.. Cle and Jac alreadi sitting down there.. After quite some time the rest came also.. Ray lead the run towards Shears.. And ya that damn idiot was here today also.. Rem that one I said before whu said that the water is dirty.. And he ran halfway fall out.. Pls loh.. Obviously he din knw how to fall out when the run is going on.. Where got ppl suddenly stop halfway without warning.. Wan ppl to crash onto him is it.. Always fall out towards the side.. Whether u r left or right.. So u wun hinder the rest of the ppl behind.. Worst of all.. He is the first pair in front.. And I dun wan to say him loh.. One chinup also can't do? It's one!!

Toking abt chinups.. We did five sets of five reps.. Actuali it's quite little.. But beginners mah.. Jacksen was saying that NJC gals can do 20 chinups in a shot.. Wow.. Was shocked to hear that loh.. Practically it's veri impressive if a gal can do juz one chinup.. Like they said.. DB gals r not gals.. LoLz.. Over the time they mutated into powerful beings.. *Shivers* And so the ex-NTeam guy was here today also.. And so far our team got two commandos liao.. Great.. This ex-NTeam guy even more powerful than Jacksen.. Btwn Jacksen is the other commando.. When Jacksen asked that ex-NTeam guy what was his maximum in chinups.. What I mean is doing one shot without cuming down.. I tell u all the figure u all will be shocked loh.. And it's 57.. *Fainted*

No pain no gain.. Practically this saying is true.. Trained hard to achieve amazing results.. And his body hor.. I nothing to say loh.. @_@" *Drooling* He is my idol liao.. Hahaha.. Guess he will be the front pacer permanently.. While Jacksen wanted me to be the back pacer.. But the criteria is back pacer must be on par with the ex-NTeam guy in terms of body and build.. And Jacksen said can u do it? Haha.. So demoralising loh.. Yup and so I guess I gonna worked hard to bulk and build again.. Actuali in DB.. There are three main parts.. Front pacer.. Engine and the back pacer.. Front and back pacer is the most xiong position.. >_<~ That ex-NTeam guy told us over dinner of some stuffs.. He said to improve in basketball.. One needs to keep on playing basketball.. And to improve in rowing.. One needs to keep on practising the strokes.. The problem is we can't get so much chance to row out at the sea.. So the other way to train ownself up is through chinups.. Wow.. It is like an aha moment for me.. Sophisticated sia..

Haha.. And Netzy juz gave me a link which when I heard it.. I laugh till beng.. It's a conversation btwn a bangla and SG fellow.. Haha.. Ok if u all wanna hear what happened juz go to this webby.. But I warned u all first.. It's veri vulgar.. But as an audience it's juz some form of leisure hearing.. But the behind part is veri funny.. Abt asking the bangla to say sorri.. But that SG fellow said "No.. I wan u to say veri veri sorri.." Wahahaha.. >_<~

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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