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Monday, October 03, 2005

Din had a run yest.. Ming was saying due to the newbie.. We need to intro again with one another.. There was quite a number of ppl yest.. As usual those cum before for trial most likely wun cum again.. Actuali I also dun care them.. Wan to cum or dun cum not my problem.. Juz dun treat it as a place where when u feel like it then u cum.. Juz dun bother the rest of us.. Dun spoilt team cohesiveness and coordination..

Was asked to play the sort of icebreaker game.. After that play the curtain game.. That time went washed car with Yongtang for Tsunami.. It’s exactly the same game yest.. We used a groundsheet instead a curtain.. Haha.. The groundsheet is a bit transparent.. Then loser team will do forfeit.. Actuali every time they said forfeit.. I tot is “four feet”.. I mean I tot that’s a term to some punishment.. Pls dun laugh at me.. >_< I only know the real spelling last sem.. Kinda too late for me.. From sec till now.. Forfeit equals four feet.. Haiz..

Back to topic.. Anyway Johnson was making decoy since that the groundsheet is such a spoiler.. It was my turn.. The groundsheet dropped.. I saw him.. He saw me.. He pointed his finger at me.. I pointed mine against him.. His mind is recalling what my name.. While I was doing the same.. But I was thinking which uni he is from.. Rmit.. Uol or UniSIM.. Criteria is to call out name and uni of that person.. I called Jeffrey name out and said the wrong uni.. Haha I still win cuz he din call out my name.. Lalalala.. Actuali I save him frm staying in the losing team.. Hahaha.. =p

Names are always confusing.. No wonder ppl always like to use names to play some games.. Got one guy whu call Jiajie.. I was kinda sensitive to this name.. I reali dun like another guy whu also got almost the same name.. His one is “jue” instead of “jie”.. It’s irks me.. It’s another name which I know of one year ago.. I agree it’s reali a nice name to call upon.. It’s soothing when u called this name.. The gals besides me also got said JJ is sort of a nice name.. And same name use on different ppl reali makes a significant difference..

Was outta sea yest.. Was quite fortunate that there is still sunshine in the sky.. It’s was raining before that.. Why some ppl juz dun admit that he is doing that particular stuff.. Esp when I was behind him.. I reali tink Yaozong was splashing all the water onto me.. The whole boat was using our hands to so called paddle.. And he is obviously pushing all the water onto me.. Still wan to deny.. I ask him to relax loh.. He said is the front ppl.. Dun push the responsibilities to other ppl loh.. U thinks I am blind is it!! Alex was behind me and he knew exactly what happened.. When use paddles to paddle.. Yaozong was also the one that is too fast.. I know I slow in recovering but he no need to act as if he damn zai like that.. The boat speed will depend on Jackson and both the pacers which are Gavin and Mike.. He is obviously buay song that his place is taken up by ex NTeam rower Mike.. Cum on loh.. U only left with one sem.. Why give u so impt position when u leaving soon nxt year.. While Mike still got three years more to go..

Henry is that white fellow I said before.. He was giving up halfway when rowing.. Ming said before that he feels like beating that person whu gives up halfway.. Cuz sometimes victory is juz within that split second.. It's reali crucial.. Yes I know it's reali veri tiring and shag.. I been through it I know it.. But pls see it in a way that none of ur frenz are giving up.. So how can u give up.. My back.. Bi/triceps are in great pain after a massive training few days ago.. I ain't giving up so how can u give up.. And I am sure that I have gone through more pain than u do.. All the criticism from Jackson.. Ming.. Ray and Roy.. But at the end of the day it's will benefit urself.. Be like Njc team.. Whu always believe that they are the strongest among all.. They looked down on all teams.. Juz becuz they believe that they are the Champion.. And yes they reali did it.. Mind overcum body.. It's juz a matter whether ones is willingly to accept it..

Went for dinner with the rest of the crew.. As usual ppl like Yaozong will go becuz got gals going.. I gonna to quote from Joa “Well he has a dick afterall..” (Joa, 2005) It’s reali damn off for me.. Zzz.. What does that show? Well desperate ba.. Jeremy asked Yaozong to go and entertain the gals.. And he reali went over.. =_= And he seem to me like a monkey acting in front of those gals.. I am impressed with his thick skin.. Use Awp also can’t go through.. After the dinner.. Time to leave.. I went over to tell Jackson that I wun be going for sea training for this month.. And ya exams are cuming.. He understand it well since he also a student before.. Well he said it’s ok for me to dun cum for one month.. But he said must do training on own.. Haha.. Alrite I will.. I swear.. *Fingers crossing behind* >_<~

I believe Jackson will check my notebook loh.. Since I will MIA for one month.. Btwn the notebook is for everyone.. Recording down what each of us did during those days without training.. Juz to log down whether we got do training when alone or not.. And how many sets/reps.. What type of training.. Running.. Gym.. Etc..

I reali thinks it’s time to stop thinking abt some ppl.. Smsing is reali not a way to communicate is it? I reali duno.. Language and tone wise seem to be a great problem.. I was kinda fed up when I received that kind of reply.. I mean r u reali that happy and sorry? As u wish.. That time when I was on the bus and u called.. I have made myself clear that I wun ask u out anymore.. That’s the last time.. I dun wanna try anymore.. There is always a limit to one’s patience.. It’s not fun reali.. Enuff is enuff.. And u insist that u do try to ask me out on the other hand.. So should I be happy or glad? It’s juz like a form of courtesy is it? 你来我往.. Who actuali wan that? No one will..

Actuali is this how it should ends with juz a simple telephone call.. Who knows.. I know he has been on ur mind.. It’s been a long time btwn u n him.. Sumtimes I juz tot u will realize that it’s over.. Juz wan u to know that it’s not the way I choose to live this way.. U force me to.. I said before.. Lose it all if you've got no more room.. No more room inside for me in your life.. U reali leave me here with nothing at all.. And in the end my heart softened again.. Maybe I juz dun have that great determination to so called lose u.. I looked upon the sky and wonder why.. Maybe it's juz that easy to hate someone while on the other hand it's juz that hard to lose someone u cherish.. =/

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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