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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Today Sf send me home.. So reached home quite early.. Went to tabao minipot.. Everything is fine.. But then the plastic container with the soup dun have a cover.. I was like huh? Then how am I goin to bring back home.. So I asked the auntie whether can juz pour the soup into those plastic bag then I bring home.. In the end was lucky that they found the cover..

Was preparing for some physical training later in the mid afternoon.. The sky dun looked too gd at all.. Anyway not going for swim or I should say playing of water.. So cloudy sky dun reali matters at all.. Went to the chinup bar to do point weight style of chinup.. I know it's veri hard for beginners to straight away attempt point weight style.. I tried and it's reali tough.. Juz simple explanation of this system.. Put it in a simple way and that is doing the number of chinups according to ur body mass.. Says if u r 70kg.. Then u will need to do 70 chinups.. And yes it's not simple.. By the time u reached 40.. U r almost as gd as dead.. Reali fatique.. Feeling of ur life been drained off..

Preparing to go for Taek training later.. Went off to interchange.. And ya I was in the bus from 1830hrs till 1915hrs.. And the bus wasn't going anywhere loh.. It's stuck in the bus terminal for 45mins!! Was quite frustrated loh.. And all this happened becuz of some stupid roadworks.. Reali thankz to those banglas loh.. I saw them sitting on those barriers doing nothing except chatting.. Can't they juz direct the traffic somehow? And in the end Joa got to wait for me for a long time to fetch me over to the CC..

Jw was coaching the small kid while Joa was coaching me.. Haha.. Kena knock it down by Joa.. >_<~ And ya.. Actuali this is nothing wrong at all.. Whenever u go there is rules and regulations.. Discipline is impt for each individuals.. In military it's like butter and bread to almost everyone.. Except those high ranking ppl.. And Sir was saying to me abt those high ranking officers.. They only know how to take high salary and do practically nothing.. Juz shake leg can liao..

Sir was reali quite a humourous person.. The way he conduct lessons is like veri relaxing.. Shouting not loud enuff.. And he will suan u and u gotta do better than that.. Haha.. And when those kids sparred.. Reali veri cute.. Imagine a boy vs gal.. And the boy was running away from the gal.. Hahaha.. Reali veri ironic.. Sir said u a guy u scared a gal? The more Sir said it.. The more the boy ran away.. Hahaha..

Sitting in the car with Sir.. Joa and Jw.. He asked me I know how to cook chicken rice or not.. Haha.. Ans is no.. LoLz.. Aiya like I told Stephen before.. Navy must know how to swim? Airforce must know how to fly? Haha.. So having a chicken rice stall dun reali constitute that I must know how to cook it..

Settling down at the kopitiam.. Toking abt some issues.. Historical.. Personal and political.. I reali can't imagine if a guy reali dare to touch a gal.. I mean those forbidden areas.. Reali loh some guys are juz that shameless.. Inspection dun constitute to touching at all.. Esp when he din touch the kids at all during inspection!! So why only adults then need to touch.. Hand itch rite.. That's alreadi molesting liao.. So what's the conclusion? Is it guys are so desperate and shameless? I do agree to this.. And ya thankz to those black sheeps in this society..

Anyway if I saw this.. I am quite sure that I will blown off and confront that idiot.. I am juz someone that can't stand this type of downright behaviour.. So what if u r a dan holder.. I dun reali give a damn to ur status or watever status u possess.. Even if this happens to someone I not acquaint with I will be dulan alreadi.. Let alone I know her.. He will be on fours loh.. If he thinks he can use his learned or superior techniques against me.. Then dream on loh.. Esp when I feel that he is juz nothing but a nasty fly to me.. Unless he is like my Sir.. Those old bird type.. If not juz kindly FO from my sight..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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