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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Juz watch the short clip today.. It's what Cy that time said.. The guy who give his eyes to that gal who lost her sight becuz of that film developer liquid.. Was quite sad though.. So put the song as my theme for now..

Final countdown to first paper.. Reali veri fast.. This sem like same as last sem.. So fast ended.. Can't imagine alreadi 6mths le.. Cuming to think of it.. We have reached half of the course alreadi.. For these 18mths.. We have been through happy.. Sad and angry moments.. And ya I know I am the one who always make ppl angry.. >_< But at least things still went well so far.. At least know how to control..

I juz can't stand OE.. It's juz suxs.. My mind is blank.. Juz duno what the hell it's saying.. Can it juz say in simple english.. Say till so powerful for what.. I juz want to know what that phrase or thing meant.. And that's all.. It's juz worst than marketing last sem.. Thinking of it.. I still luv marketing than OE.. At least it's more logical to me.. English also not so chim..

Studying is a fun thing but when it's cum to exams.. It's juz suxs.. We enjoy doing projects together.. Settling down at someone place.. Chit chat all the way.. Maybe can stay overnite.. And then we will went out to chill ourselves.. Like having prata.. Or even BBQ.. Etc..

Faster end ba.. I reali wan to relax liao.. I wan to eat.. Play.. Sleep and train.. Then go chalet with the rest.. Play hide and seek.. Play all sort of games.. Polar bear.. Police and murderer.. I looking toward it..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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