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Monday, March 14, 2005

Went to central today appointment.. Alighted from the bus saw bunch of students asking for donation again.. Nowadays reali alot of donations going on.. Weekdays got.. Weekends also got.. Wat the hell loh.. Machiam tinking that reali everyone got infinite money with them.. Not I wan to say those organisations loh.. I tink they reali like abusing their power liao.. Keep asking for donations out of nowhere.. Although the donation can be in watever amount a person like.. But it's reali sickening loh.. Once in a blue moon is ok loh.. But this sort of crap is happening almost everyday whenever I go.. Are they taking us for granted or wat.. Zzzz.. On the way from interchange back home.. Bought a packet of duck rice.. Aiya should have try duck noodles instead of rice.. Cuz Jiamin said the duck noodles is nice.. Nvm I will try it next time.. ^^ Then got this auntie approached me.. Asking me where is Tampines Mall.. I pointed to her the green building.. Then she asked again then where is the Singtel Customer Service Centre.. I told her it's in Tampines Mall either Level 3 or 4.. Again she asked me claiming that her hp is Nokia one then got Nokia Service Centre around or not.. @_@" Kaozz.. Then I told her last time at Century Square got Nokia Service Centre but now I tink no more liao due to the mass renovation that took place not too long ago.. I added cuz Singtel Service Centre was previously located at Century Square just like Nokia Service Centre.. But since Singtel Service Centre moved over to Tampines Mall so maybe Nokia Service Centre might move there also.. Reading an article today abt Friendster.. Haha.. Indeed Friendster had gained much popularity among teens.. The papers said that Friendster has been made use by SG secret society to recruit ppl.. And prostitution etc.. I myself had seen a number of such accounts.. Wat our governement worried abt is those teens that dun know how to tink logically then fall into the trap.. Then too late liao.. For adults like us I tink we should know how to tink liao loh.. No worries.. =] Hopefully "Friendster" wun becum "Fiendster" instead.. LoLx..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQus3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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