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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Yesterday 2200hrs light off.. Today 0530hrs revelling.. 0600hrs fall in.. LoLx.. Reaching sch quite early to day.. Ard 0620hrs reached sch.. Climbing up to Lvl three.. Sitting down there waiting for Shaofeng to arrive so tat I can put my barang barang in his vehicle.. Reaching Maju Camp at ard 0705hrs.. Alreadi quite a number of ppl there liao.. Checking the nominal roll then can enter le.. Haha Shaofeng saw one of the PTI.. Then he said kaozz he like tat also can be PTI.. He added I look more like PTI loh.. Haha.. Indeed I agreed wat he said.. Hehehe.. Tat's a fact ok =p After splitting everyone into CAT X.. Cat Y and Cat Z.. The test began.. First station kena Chin-ups liao.. Shaofeng grumbled "Walao first one alreadi is the station he hate.." LoLx.. Proceeding to Shuttle Run.. My first attempt damn jialat.. I tried to grab the wooden block.. Then keep grabbing.. But the block seem to be transparent.. Grabbed for three times canot grab it.. In the end PTI asked me to retry and he forfeit the last try.. Going to third station Sit-up then lastly SBJ.. I HATE stupid SBJ.. Always the damn thorn in my flesh.. HATE IT!!! Last time also becuz of this stupid SBJ made me failed to get gold despite I could attain below 945mins for my 2.4km Run.. Now it's made me failed to get my $200 bucks.. Damn it!!! Lastly was the torment of everyone.. The 2.4km Run.. Din reali expect to do well cuz reali nvr go into training of this particular event.. When I was abt to start off.. The PTI encik said to me "Number 24 well done.." I was tinking huh? Wat did I do? Btwn my tag number is 24.. Maybe he saw my static stations results ba and tink it's gd for a NSmen.. Tat's the oni possibility I can tink of it liao.. Overtaking everyone and remained as the first place within the 1.8km.. Afterwhich I felt pain in my side lats.. And plus my quad getting veri painful since last Wed.. I knew I be gone if I gonna collapsed now.. I slowed down and pushed myself towards that last 600m.. Tinking of someone to motivate me to strive on till the finishing line.. Glad I made it in the end.. Cooling down.. Waiting for Shaofeng to return also.. Afterwhich the PTI encik tok to the whole grp that had finished the run.. Claiming for the official result slip.. I was abt to leave then the PTI encik said "How Number 24.. Got gold bo.." Haha I said "Encik bo lah.." Sianz.. PTI encik then said "U knw wat ur mistakes?" I said oh I got mistakes ar.. Hehe.. He said "Ur mistake is u cleared the 800m too fast.. U cleared below 3mins.. Plus u not familiar with the route at all.. Tat's y.." Haha.. Learnt a priceless lesson today.. Nvm I will try again somewhere within tis year.. Cuz my resolution is GOLD.. But still I must tame the stupid SBJ first.. Zzzz.. Walking towards sch for Comm Law class.. I felt like vomitting.. So I went over to the open space grass there standby.. After ten second I reali vomited.. At least felt better after the vomitting.. Haha mani buses went past but I dun care loh.. Buay tahan liao still care wat image.. Anyway I got no image also.. LoLz.. Went to Clementi for lunch at KFC with Adrian.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Mandy.. Shaofeng.. Sherry and Stephen.. After lunch Shaofeng sent Stephen and me.. He sent me home.. Then sent Stephen to Bedok.. Adrian left with his car.. Joanne.. Sherry.. Liyee and Mandy went to take train.. Joanne went to Expo for Disney On Ice.. Sherry went for hockey compy.. Liyee should be going home.. Mandy I duno.. Just now went to Central to meet Xiaowee for dinner.. He machiam like yearning to meet me.. Duno why.. Claiming veri long time din see me le.. Haha.. Sianz sia.. My whole body ache.. Groin the most aching.. @_@" Maybe becuz I din go stretch it before the test.. Gonna stamp salonpas liao..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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