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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Deepavali..

Ok the answers to the qns..

1) 乌漆妈黑
Wu Qi Ma hei

2) "妈,拿被!"
"Ma, na bei"

3) "豆" 因为豆杀包 (豆沙包)
Dou Sa Bao

4) 真像大白 (真相大白)
Zhen Xiang Da Bai

5) 萨旦因为萨旦胡先 (萨旦胡辛)
Saddam Hu Xian (Hussein)

6) 拍彩照
Taking colour photo


Was discussing abt some stuff with Ly in train yesterday.. Reali it's true that there are barriers in communication.. The way everyone interpret meanings is totally different.. Whether it's been sms or msn.. It's reali means alot.. The attitude.. The tone.. The gesture.. The reaction of one's face.. These are all the impt things which we can't see at all.. Thinking of ER that exam qns.. Haha.. Well.. All the solutions to barriers are reali common sense.. But these are the common sense which everyone tends to oversee it.. It's true.. The best way is maybe dun think so much abt it.. And stop asking troubles for ownself.. As in thinking of why ppl like "attitude" to u..

Juz wondering how would u ppl feel in the following situation..
Ur frenz login to msn.. His/her status is away cuz he/she went to watch Tv.. U and him/her chat when he/she is back to the com.. But he/she went to watch Tv again.. And his/her bro came back home from a holiday.. So his/her bro logout his/her account despite there is the flashing of conversation going on.. What I mean is the flashing of orange bar at the bottom when there is a new msg..

So the point is.. Is it rude of his/her bro to do that? Or is it juz fine? As in there's nothing big deal abt it.. Logout logout loh? And when u asked ur frenz why he/she like suddenly logout.. He/she said his/her bro want to use the com loh.. And u asked him/her why he/she din tell his/her bro off for doing that.. And he/she replied u "For what.. It's his/her bro com!!"

It's seem like there nothing u can do when he/she said that to u.. And so with that answer he/she give.. U seem to be unhappy and disappointed with it.. Cuz u feel like he/she seems like not putting in the least effort at all.. At least when he/she said that he/she did tell his/her bro off for doing that.. It will pacify u to some extend.. But he/she din..

And been so pissed off.. So u juz shoot him/her off with this "Is it ur parents give birth to u.. Then they can make u marry whichever guy/gal they wan?" Or if u wan to marry this guy/gal but they dun like him/her so will u listen to them and give him/her up.. The answer is obviously a "NO" rite.. What I wan to emphasize is "So what if the com is someone else?" Does that mean one dun have the basic human rights to decide on what is right to do and what is not? Does that mean the owner can abuse his/her rights?

Like what Ly said it's juz not right to close ppl conversation.. And Ly dun like it when ppl does that.. He said at least let the person know abt it first and let he/she sees the msg before closing it.. Cuz it might be something impt.. Is it juz that difficult to do juz a simple thing like this? I dun wan to be petty abt such matter.. But obviously I'm veri particular abt such matters.. Especially with that firm principles I insist on holding.. Some may think I unreasonable.. But I dun care.. Particularly when the word "frenz" come into my mind.. Is this how a frenz should treat me? At least Ly shared the same views as me.. I duno how the rest see it..

I know some ppl also got the way of "attitude msning".. And I asked Ly of how will he feel when he receive that type of languages.. Everyone will feel the same loh.. The feeling is not nice.. But like what Ly said.. Maybe that's their way of presenting their msg.. And they are so used to it le.. And I agree to it.. Habit is reali hard to change.. And it's not juz one day one nite to say change then change.. So in the end I also accept it and view things in a more optimistic way and accept the fact.. I dun wan to be sensitive to this type of things..


Alrite enuff of unhappy stuffs.. Time to ask some cheeky qns..
Scenario: There is this pair of twins sistas.. Ok I named them as May and June.. And also got a guy.. I named him as Dec.. So it will be easier to read.. Haha.. If not Cy complain that veri blur.. May is the elder sis and June is the younger..

Three of them are studying at the same sch same class.. And Dec like the younger sis June.. One day.. Dec wanted to give June a letter he wrote for her.. But he din give in the end.. He accidentally dropped the letter.. June picked it up and saw her name on it.. Dec quickly took the letter from her..

June went to ask May.. What is the meaning of seeing ur name on a letter? May replied say obviously is luv letter.. So the first qns is.. Is it true that letter with ur name on it means luv letter?

June said she glad that Dec din give it to her cuz Dec is not the type of guy she wan.. June's bf criteria are.. Must be taller than her.. Must have some special abilities and talent.. So the second qns is.. Do gals reali choose their bf based on talent and special abilities in some stuffs?

There is one incident where May was angry with Dec.. And she asked Dec to go away.. But Dec refused.. So May said if he dun go away.. She will shout and create a scene.. And May reali did that.. Dec went over and kissed her on the lips.. And May totally calmed down.. She din push him away.. So the third qns is.. Why May din push him away and then give him a tight slap?


And u ppl should knw abt that gal killed during the test driving of a Mazda sports car.. Juz feel that she reali suay.. The client drove it and crashed it.. Client din die yet she died.. Working for only 4mths.. With an age of 22 yrs old only.. Somemore she is the only child in her family.. And her parents will be alone from now on.. Reali sad..

And when my dad saw the news.. He said u young ppl always think that u all know alot of things.. Then always wanted to show off when we are reali ignorant with green horn on our heads.. But the fact that I kept quiet is becuz I reali know nothing abt sports cars.. Maybe the way of controlling sports cars is reali totally different from manual and auto cars.. For this tragedy.. I think is partly the gal's fault also.. Normally there wun be test drive for sports cars one.. Except for salon cars.. Juz dun understand why she proceed with it.. I know grabbing a deal is impt but what for.. So what if u reali earn alot of money? I know it's shiok to have alot of money.. But got money no life to spend also no use rite.. U can't bring it with u when u dead..

I think I should juz enjoy life for now.. Cuz life is so unpredictable.. Who knows what tragedy will happen tomolow.. 今天不知明日事..


Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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