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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Got my bday prezzie finali.. LoLz.. Same as Step but Step can use it to buy anything with that voucher.. But I can't.. Why?? Becuz our dear Joa said I oni use it to buy jeans and nothing else.. o_O" Nehneh de lah.. =X Anyway I can secretly go use up the vouchers.. But I know if I did that.. I will probably inviting wrath liao loh.. Haha.. Well maybe I will kena thousand carrots attack ne!! LoLz..

Today seem to be a bad day.. Bad weather plus bad mood.. Eating lunch also no appetite loh.. But like what everyone say.. Tml will be a better day mah.. Yeah.. I'm looking forward to more new exciting stories that can be written down in my life.. So that when I grow old and die.. I will still be reminiscing abt the happy moments of the past.. So before my life have cum to a big full stop.. Must keep on triggering new journeys..

Read about why guys cheat.. We all know that while guys and gals are both capable of cheating.. It's often the guys who have the biggest problem keeping their belts firmly buckled.. And we all know that no matter who it's with.. Why it's done.. Or where the after-hours canoodling takes place.. Cheating is most of the time the ultimate r/s death sentence.. But instead of dwelling on what happens after the cheating takes place.. One of the ways to perhaps prevent infidelity is by knowing a little bit about why guys stray..

I believe alots of guys simply dun have the strength to end r/s.. They may try ("I'm just not happy") or they may take on other tactics to drive a gal away.. A lot of guys simply have trouble breaking off r/s because they dun want to be perceived as that bad guy.. The jerk.. The insensitive lout who ended something good.. So they will probably tiptoe around specific issue in hopes that the gal will get so frustrated that she'll back out first.. Haha.. Kinda tactical huh? Or maybe to some it's juz that downright.. Well.. If that doesn't work.. Den a guy knows that the only way out is to commit a r/s sin that drives a gal away for good.. It's not right.. But it's what happens anyway..

Those with iPod.. Ever think about what's on ur iPod? Probably gigs of mp3 in it.. U have ur favorite songs you play over and over.. But every once in a while.. U're in the mood to hear something u haven't played in a long time.. U dun need to hear it but once every month or so.. But still.. U appreciate the changeup.. R/s need to be like good iPods lists.. U're comfortable with ur routine and u like ur routine.. But it's always nice to change things up.. What guys really wan in r/s (and what I feel gals also want) is to be able to take comfort in the routine of a long-term commitment.. As long as there are some surprises that make it feel like a new r/s every once in a while.. In order to keep the r/s strong.. U've got to change the songs every once in a while.. That goes for in the bedroom and out..

I simply luv to watch Sam Leong's Star Chef show.. Haha.. Well.. I think it's veri interesting and u can learn alot from his comments and critics he give to his contestants blah blah blah.. Actuali been a chef is not a bad thing afterall hor.. At least can cook yummy food and most imptly cook for ppl too..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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