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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Did everyone enjoy yest gathering at Lost Island Mimosa?? Haha.. Well.. It was reali great to see Advin and Colin again.. And how much I yearn that time will juz freeze for that veri moment.. Time juz keep ticking away.. Draining away every hr.. Every min.. Every sec.. And every millisec.. It's as if we are in the fairytale of Cinderella.. Nvrtheless.. I hope this final gathering for this sem will be a memorable one for everyone.. My deepest appreciation to Advin and Colin for making themselves available.. Thankz so much.. Not to mention our deepest gratitude to Sherry's mummy and daddy for allowing us to hold this gathering.. Thankz for being the hosts of this impt event.. Thankz to those who came early to help out with the chores and food preparation.. Thankz to those who help in finishing most of the food.. LOLz..

Had mahjong session after clearing up the place.. The starting lineup are.. Cindy vs Sherry/Rene vs Step vs YT.. Stomper came later in the nite and helped Cindy out..

Titles awarded..
1) Cindy having "gang" for several times.. She is awarded the Title of "Queen of Gang"!! Heee..

2) Rene having being slow in taking tiles.. Arranging tiles and etc.. Seems to take eternity to play each turn of hers.. She is awarded the Title of "Queen of Eternity"!! Hahaha..

3) YT having extra tile and less tile for two times in the game.. He is awarded the Title of "King of Big and Small Elephant"!! LoLz..

4) YT despite having less and more tiles which made him impossible to win the game.. Yet he tot of way to minimize his loss as much as possible in those games.. Deceiving everyone that he is going to gone bust soon.. And it turned out that he "gang" and "bite" flowers to yield his earnings.. He is awarded the title of "King of Deception"!! Hahaha..

5) Step by rite should have won certain rounds much more earlier.. However his prediction of tiles' appearances seems to be kinda suay.. And he think too much.. Haha.. Therefore he is awarded the title of "King of Think Too Much"!! Hahaha..


The workshops' schedules are out.. So grab it fast while stocks last.. Haha.. By the way.. I think the best possible schedule will be Workshop 1 since we have MC that day in the noon.. So according to the NEW Rational Decision-making Model by me.. It will be most rational to make the workshop in the morning from 0900hrs to 1200hrs.. Den from 1200hrs till 1400hrs lunch break (Venue: Top Secret).. Hahaha.. Den 1400hrs onwards till end will have our MC.. Plan swee swee rite?? Wahahaha.. Well.. How can u expect anything less than that from ur AUFC's perfectionist wannabe leh.. LoLz.. Anyway the details of the workshops are listed below..

Workshop 1 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 12 February 2007 (Monday)
Time : 9.00 am - 12.00pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Workshop 2 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 12 February 2007 (Monday)
Time : 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Workshop 3 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 13 February 2007 (Tuesday)
Time : 9.00 am - 12.00pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Workshop 4 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 13 February 2007 (Tuesday)
Time : 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Prior to registering for any workshop.. Please check your lecture schedules to ensure that it does not coincide with the date and time of the workshop u wish to attend..

Terms and Conditions:
- There is no refund for withdrawal or non-attendance..
- SIM reserves the right to cancel the talk/workshop due to unforeseen circumstances..
- In the event that a talk/workshop is cancelled.. A full refund would be processed..
- No further confirmation of venue and timing etc will be made known to participants unless there is a change..
- Participants are advised to be punctual as talk/workshop will commence on time..

Since everyone will probably be thinking like me (Great minds think alike.. Muwahahaha.. =X).. So there will definitely be an unevitable battle among different cliques with the same ideals.. Class A consists of 100+ ppl.. While Class B's numbers is probably abt the same.. And each workshops can only accomodate a maximum of 50 ppl.. So it will be better to make our decisions ASAP.. We shall adopt the Hello Kitty's Strategic Theory.. I will start sending SF to start queuing today till Mon morning.. Muwahahahaha.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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