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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Yest ended the interview.. Actuali was thinking that it's quite boliao and wasting alot of time.. But in the end it turn out to be fun.. Fiona is veri funny if u reali know her.. She juz that great in entertaining the rest.. Everyone of us is juz pretending to be asking qns.. When the lecturer is walking over.. We ask the interviewee qns.. And when the lecturer is gone.. We tok all sort of crap.. Haha.. So fun.. FX caught my attention.. Juz toking with her makes me feel great.. Keke.. Alreadi Sem 6 yet din reali tok to everyone in the entire cohort.. Some ppl juz dun catch ur attention until the veri end esp when u tok to them.. Actuali I juz find that she is sweet and humourous in some ways.. And I always tot that I will be the one teasing ppl esp gals.. But that's not always the way.. LoLz.. Got gd compliment from Fiona.. And it will be a surprise if u heard her speaking in mandarin yK ni heng hao xiao leh.. LoLz.. Actuali Ali also another funny fellow.. When I'm interviewing FX.. She seems like nervous.. But I started to break the ice by asking she some qns.. Of cuz not the interview qns.. I asked her whether she's from poly or jc.. But surprisingly she is from NP-EEE.. Den started asking abt her braces.. Haha.. And Fiona out of nowhere kena asked abt the braces thingy too.. After the interview we need to give feedback to the interviewee.. Juz nice that the lecturer came so can't pretend not to give.. Was told that I'm nervous.. Yup agreed to that.. So the lecturer asked them what to resolve this problem.. They mentioned to do more presentation.. And den the lecturer asked me what can I do abt this problem.. Den I replied saying that go haunted houses more loh.. LoLz.. The lecturer machiam wanted to faint liao.. Keke.. FX also said that's a gd one.. Heee.. =P

After everything end went to PS to have lunch with someone.. Well Aijisen is kinda nice.. Though it's the second time I think it's quite nice if occasionally had it.. I reali feel gd.. ^^

How can Xu Weilun juz like that left.. She's one of the belle I like.. So pretti and sweet.. Haix.. If Shinigami exists.. Why din they juz let her survive.. Was pretti cruel to a talented gal who was not even in her thirties.. And she left with two regrets.. Li Wei break down after knowing that she is gone forever.. And no one will ever expect that an impact from the back of the vehicle is as great as in the front.. SRS airbag can't open since the impact is from the back.. Maybe an airbag at the back is necessary afterall..

Poor selection of cars is also one of the factors which I considered will heighten the risk of death when there is a collision from the back.. Minicoopers.. One of those high end vehicles which have powerful engines juz like Ferrari and Evo as many mentioned.. Does it reali make u safe with its structure? I'm dun wan to make comments on that.. But I certainty will not encourage my frenz to get vehicles that are bootless.. Which means vehicles without boots.. It juz increase the risk of death since it has less structure to sustain any possible impact from the back.. Even though there might still be bumper around.. But that's still not gd enuff.. Even a Class 3 vehicles can have such great impact on such vehicles.. I can't imagine what can a Class 4 or 5 vehicles do.. Probably making them into prata..

By the way.. There is info stating that the manager of Weilun is moving at 155km/h.. Well.. If some vehicle is to hit their back.. That's means the vehicle behind is moving at minimum 20 to 30 km/h extra in order to catch up.. Which will be 175 to 185km/h probably.. U will probably be thinking of how cum need so much more speed to catch a vehicle moving at 155km/h.. That's becuz u can nvr catch up a vehicle moving at 155km/h with 156km/h or 160km/h.. U must always rem that the vehicle is always in front of with a distance.. So it's impossible to catch up with such marginal increment of speed..

I was wondering how is it possible to maneuver such high speed.. I think oni Alonso is qualified for that.. If u travelled at over 80km/h at the area near AYE connecting to ECP.. U will find it hard to maneuver it cuz there is juz too much bends within a stretch.. And I reali means it's alot.. That's why at that particular area of AYE.. The limit is 70km/h.. Which I find it reasonable.. U can try at 100km/h if u wan.. Juz dun cry over spill milk when anything happens.. Cuz nobody will be pitying ya.. U are not Alonso by the way..

TP juz made announcement on most frequent black areas of fatal accidents.. Clementi.. Bk Timah.. Upper Bk Timah.. Serangoon and Tuas.. Well.. As mentioned by them.. TP will be patrolling these areas very often.. Therefore juz be careful when moving in these areas..

Finali Jocelyn Yeo retired.. Without her I wondered how SG going to manage in its swimming.. Seem like there is no one that can match up with her.. Ok dun say abt those China PR swimmers in SG.. That's cheating ok.. Juz say abt pure SG swimmers.. I think there is none that can outshine Jocelyn and flying fish Hong Bingqiang..

Today LT is so small.. Not even enuff to cater for other ppl.. And maybe what Rohana mentioned is rite.. Stick to ur own class schedule.. Well.. But I think it's still alrite provided the LT is those large one as compared to today.. Small and miserable.. Machiam those minor modules class.. Haha..

New Windows is out.. It's no longer called Windows XP or Windows 2007.. It will be Windows Vista.. Price ranged from SGD154 to SGD615.. Whether it's worth to get it will be probably up to individual values.. It should be veri different from previous Windows edition..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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