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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Have ya heard of the proposal for F1 street race at night past familiar landmarks.. It's 1900hrs on a Sunday in September next year.. The magnificent scarlet Ferraris.. The gleaming silver McClaren-Mercedes.. The playful blue and yellow Renaults.. All will be straining at the leash in front off Marina Bay.. One by one the five red starter lights go off and those powerful engines will roar to life.. Kinda exciting rite.. At 300km/h.. Led by World Champion Fernando Alonso.. They will fly in a blur past the Esplanade and City Hall.. Around Swissotel and finali into Suntec City.. One of the SG groups have offered to host the Grand Prix in 2008.. That's reali a forward looking event.. Heee.. Well.. At least it's something new in SG mah.. And I believe everyone will be interested to it..

Bleach series getting exciting again le huh.. Hmmx.. Plot is getting abit complicated again.. Haha.. Well.. Shall wait and see.. By the way it's no doubt one of the best anime I have seen so far.. Another hollow cum shinigami fellow.. Woo.. And Ishida's dad came out? Hmmx.. Juz as I tot the whole of Quincy bloodline had alreadi been cut except Ishida.. Haha.. Reali full of unexpectancies.. It's juz the same as life.. Life is full of variables mah..

Was delighted when the Russian owner Roman Abramovich wanted to sack Mourinho.. Haha.. Well cuz I hate Mourinho mah.. Was so surprised of how Chelsea so called top players wanted to back Mourinho up.. By the way my clique dun have any Chelsea fans.. So I dun reali care if Chelsea fans saw what I wrote.. Who cares anyway.. LoLz..

World of Warcraft juz added new stuffs into it.. Called it an expansion ba.. Think should be new races.. It's making everyone queuing overnite to get it.. I mean in SG.. o_O" Well.. Everyone have their own luv mah.. Haha..

I heard that some ppl alreadi send their resumes liao.. And all workshops such as effective interview and power resume are all full.. Well.. Maybe to some that ain't too fast.. For the workshops I feel it's still alrite.. But sending the resume now is juz kinda off.. Or maybe well kiasu in SG term.. Well unless the employer is willingly to wait for ya to fin ur studies.. By the way ppl advertising jobs always wan immediate vacancy fill.. Unless there are special considerations attached.. Anyway the convocation is in Sept.. That's still a long way to go.. Anyway if suay suay tabao den how? That's one more extra sem rite.. Well if I'm the employer I wun be waiting for anyone unless he or she is reali one of those that are headhunted..

Juz some annoying news for us drivers.. Haha.. Bus lanes for some area will be a full day bus lane.. As we can see from Orchard which is the first to implement it.. The new additional areas will be Bras Basah Road.. Eu Tong Sen Street.. Hill Street.. Somerset Road and Victoria Street.. Basically it's a long stretch along Bugis area up to Chinatown area.. Existing bus lanes timing for morning is still the same.. However for the evening timing there is changes.. It will be from 1700hrs to 2000hrs.. Juz take note of it.. U wouldn't wan to get a summon by TP anyway rite.. Haha.. By the way there are some areas which TP always stand by to catch ppl using the bus lanes during the restricted hrs.. Haha.. One of them is Thomson.. Where TCS is located.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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