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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Ho seh liao loh.. Countdown exactly 7 days to exams le.. Damn suxz.. But lanlan no choice still have to study like hell to pass loh.. Haha then my gay frenz Collin ask me to stop addressing him in my blog as "Gay Frenz".. MUWAHAHAHA.. But I simply can't help it leh.. So fun calling him that.. Lalalalala ^_^ Then today we again stayed afetr school to do some revision.. After which we go clementi for dinner.. After dinner they going for pool game.. But me and advin never join them.. Cuz we wan to go home watch tv.. Heheee.. Hope they enjoy themselves ba..
Haiz.. I am like all alone in this big lion city leh.. Thrown away like an empty can.. LoLx.. If love is love until we know everything about each other.. Then why are you forever looking so cold.. YawNzz.. Sibei tired..

Until The World Come To An End..
We Won't Be Apart Which I wished it for countless nights..
And So People Seek An Answer..
And Lose Something..
That's Irreplaceable..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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