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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Yesterday the me and my fren were having bbq at Sherry's house.. It was reali a veri pleasant event for me.. I haven't been so happy for long time le.. We managed to help out Sherry's mummy in some chores.. At least we were of some use.. LoLx.. Then we were playing the "Police and Murderer" game.. Haha.. Although lame but it's still fun to play.. Then Stephen implemented a game called simi "Polar Bear" game.. Haha it's fun loh.. But duno why he pick me as the veri first polar bear.. -.-" Since then Advin, Liyee, Collin and me like always either the first few to die one or been accused of polar bear.. Wahahaha.. Reali veri funny throughout the process.. The time is getting late and one by one left.. Then the rest just gather at Sherry's room and we have a guitar session there.. They open a bottle of red wine i tink.. Then I drink abit.. I almost kena knock out liao.. LoLx.. Actuali wan to stay overnite de.. But in the end nvr becuz I tink not nice ba.. Paiseh ba.. Then everyone go liao le.. Me of cuz must go also if not I will be kick out of house.. Wahahah.. Then before we go Sherry' mummy give us the french loaf.. Wahaha^^.. Just nice I can use to hatam ppl.. Finali I still wan to thank everyone for their role in the gathering.. LoLz.. =p

One Day In Your Life..
Said Love Would Remind You..
How Could You Leave It All Behind..
One Day In Your Life I Gonna Find You..
With The Tears You Let Me Cry..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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