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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Today excursion is reali a fun one.. Meeting up some frenz.. Then we have a bowling match.. To me I am totally a newbie or noobie in bowling.. Nevertheless still tried my best lah.. Haha then the game still end up with a tie.. My last game is veri cool leh.. Especially when sherry and I are pitting on our last set of the game.. Funny lah we actuali hit exactly the same pin leaving one pin on each end.. Play ar play it's dinner time le.. All of us makan finished liao then our super star Joanne still haven arrived yet.. Wait ar wait then she finali lai liao.. Then when she sit down.. Stephen says he going le.. LOLx.. It's so ironic.. Like playing soccer.. Substitution for reserve.. Then we proceed towards Esplanade taking photos.. We happpened to walk past two old japanese aunties who were taking photos.. But they like buay song we walk past.. Then Joanne say that they scold baka.. -.-" After wandering around for some time.. Finali settling down at satay club near Fullerton Hotel.. Toking and chit-chatting all the way.. I quite impressed with what they say.. Quite futile for me in some ways.. Haha maybe can use it in future^^.. Then on the way home, me and Advin saw this fellow wearing a red beret with casual clothes on him.. LOLx... Kinda lame..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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