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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

There is this gal who used to be my classmate.. All that changed when she had a bf.. Cancelling wateva appointments whenever her bf asked her out.. Getting herself a bf of cuz I will be happy for her and wished her all the best.. First time it happened.. I tink it's ok.. Second time it happened.. Was abit annoyed.. Third time it happened I swore nvr ask her out again.. Growing distance btwn frenz canot be felt.. Having her bf as a companion for all her's activities is definitely a wrong move.. When they broke up.. She called me in tears.. And I consoled her.. And all is forgiven.. Putting aside petty misgivings and stand firmly by a frenz in times of adversity.. I tink that wat frenz are for.. When everything seem to be back to normal again.. She found another man.. Again weekends were reserved.. Whenever I called her.. She sounded preoccupied and became completely unable to continue the conversation.. A year later.. Received a call from her claiming she been dumped again and asked to meet.. I declined abt meeting her and ignoring her subsequent calls.. Frenzship is not a hotel.. U dun walk in and walk out as u wish.. Been in luv is great.. But I will still get a clear line btwn gf and frenz.. Frenz no matter wat had got through thin and thick with me while my other part merely entered the picture of my life.. As social circle getting wider I find it reali tough to differentiate who my real frenz are and who are those so called lower priority frenz.. The more ppl I know.. The lonelier I feel.. Been demanding and resigned this frenzship.. Was it reali been too much of me.. If u were in my shoes wat will u do.. Afterall she not committing something despicable like cheating my money.. Betraying my secret.. I dun expect her to give her 100% attention like when she is single.. But at least showed me a decent amount of attention to show that I still her frenz.. Still I have had enuff of been taken for granted all these times.. Been single and available does not mean that my time is any less valuable than hers.. Accepting the fact that when one's career or luv's life picks up pace.. Some frenzship will definitely fade away.. In the end.. We remember not the words of our enemies.. But the silence of our dear frenz..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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