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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Was kinda glad when one of my ex-crew frenz said she like my attitude.. Let me keep her name anonymous by calling her "N".. Anyway I was stunned when she said that to me.. I duno whether I alreadi said this incident in my entry before.. But let me briefly go through what happened that day.. There was one Sunday I need to go for my grading.. So it was kinda obvious I wun go for training that day..

But few days later I meet my crew at the canteen in sch.. So I went over to say hi.. The moment I said hi.. Someone questioned me why I din go for training on Sunday.. I was kinda dulan then.. So I replied saying that I have alreadi answered to Ming so I dun think I need to explain myself to anyone else.. Which I think I did the right thing.. Cuz everyone is on the same level.. What made them more superior than me?? They think this is an organization with hierarchy? The vice-chairman nvr even said anything yet some whiners dare to open their big mouths.. And well since Ming is stepping down le.. I see the club going to be in a mess sooner or later ba.. Maybe the new Chairman can reali take charge of anything.. But who knws..

And why "N" quitted in the end is becuz she din like the way ppl questioned her also.. Imagine someone asked u a question and u answered him or her the reasons behind it.. And they dun believe u.. Then why farking asked in the first place? And "N" added that there are some bitches who thinks that they attended every single training and questioned her also..

No wonder she see my attitude of my reply to ppl as a surprise.. Cuz she said she tot I'm those quiet and shy type.. And will not replied in such a attitude way.. Well.. She is correct in a way that I'm indeed those that are quiet and shy.. Juz that when the time cum where I need to show my attitude.. I will jolly show it.. My clique knw the best.. Heeee.. =P

Another thing is that she said that there seems to be some politics happening in the club.. Hmm.. From what I can see.. There is indeed some.. Fighting for power? Is power reali so impt afterall.. I agree that it is indeed impt to some extend.. Defining the meaning of power.. In simple it means the ability to do or act.. Making ppl listening to u.. Etc.. But I always feel that only someone great can hold that power.. Fighting for it gets one no where..

Power is necessary becuz disputes continue to exist.. Unless one day in this world there is no disputes at all.. Which is impossible at all.. Been powerless doesn't mean one is weak.. Juz that one might not wish to hold that power at all.. Cuz the moment u acquire all that power.. U becum the one causing others to dread u.. Ppl like Mike dun wan to hold that power despite he has the ability.. I respect him of his humble attitude.. Unlike some who thinks they are damn farking talented in some ways..

Few days ago there is this thingy abt wakeboarding without the boat.. Kinda innovative.. Juz made use of those metal lines that move from some machines.. And will juz mimic exactly what the normal wakeboarding process do.. Duno whether its cheap or exp.. $30/hr for weekdays and $45/hr for weekends.. Think it's at East Coast there..

Maybe things that will be.. Will be in the end.. And time dun left much alreadi.. Following the route laid by Mother Nature or laid a path myself? Well I reali duno either.. Been disheartened after so long.. There seem like no other better solutions to solve some frenzship problems.. So I guess juz let go ba.. Flying a kite to it highest form is juz like a frenzship in its top form.. And the kite flyer should know that the kite will get stranded one of these days if he is not careful.. And when the line get stranded.. It's time to let go the kite.. Let it fly to a place where it want to settle.. And it means that when things have to make an ending some days.. It will have to be done somehow somewhat..

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.. Some stay a while and leave footprints on our hearts.. And we are never ever the same.. Though through the years ppl will change.. It does not matter what we do.. Cuz throughout our lifetime I will still be there when my frenz need me..

If I see you today..
If I talk to you today..
Or if I see you a year from now..
Or if I talk to you a year from now..
You are always my friend..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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