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Monday, January 16, 2006

Yest training is kinda hell for me.. I duno why I feel that way.. Doing repetition of same movements for 5mins per set.. Reali canot take it le.. The worst is that part where we were asked to do the repetition of twisting.. Criteria is we must sit down with legs straight and back straight.. Then twisted with the paddles.. Simple exercise seem to be easy.. But when it cum to do at it.. It's ain't that simple and no kick.. Now I know.. Every exercise is a knowledge.. Every exercise has it difficulty.. So dun ever look down on simple exercises which we dun reali put it in our eyes at all.. Vertical running is veri shag.. Those whu did before know that the chest area will have a burning sensation when u run up the stairs.. I feel like choking as the heat increases in my chest..

Ming seems like losing temper nowadays.. Duno why also.. What he emphasized yest at briefing is that we TRAIN RAIN OR SHINE.. Please do not take RAIN as a reason for not coming for training.. Every training is IMPORTANT.. U will sure miss out a lot with regards to skills and physical training.. Not only that.. U will be a BURDEN to the whole team.. I understand how he feel when he see ppl cum and go as they pleased.. I duno whether I'm one of those in that category.. But the fact is I have been missing in action on Sun training.. But the fact is 25th Dec is holiday.. Again 1st Jan is holiday.. So total two weeks alreadi.. On the 8th Jan I got grading.. So it's like kinda so coincide with all the Sun.. And another thing is Wed training I nvr even attend one time.. Reason been I have my other training also.. So in the end I needa forgo the land training on Wed.. Cuz I din attend the Wed training that's why it reali made me as if I reali missing in action for a long long time.. I reali feel that I kinda falls in the category that burdens the whole team..

After CNY.. Jackson warned us not to eat so much bak gua.. Cuz there will be a fitness test cuming up soon.. Haiz.. I know I gone this time.. Fitness level is reali zero liao.. Seriously I feeling that my energy level is draining day by day.. And I'm getting weaker and weaker.. Juz like something is draining my lifestream away unknowingly.. And cuming soon my IPPT also.. Yet so many events throwing onto me.. =(

After training we went to Xuepeng's parents stall to eat Bak Kut Teh.. It's nice.. If u guys ever rem that there is a famous Bak Kut Teh stall at Blanco Court 8-9 yrs ago.. This is the same stall from that era.. They moved becuz of the building of Raffles Hospital.. Blanco Court is been demolished for the hospital..

Discussing on what Bunn said.. How high are the chances that a gal and a guy sharing the same bed together and yet nothing happened? I feel that the chances of whether something will happen depend on 1) The guy's morality and 2) The guy's guts.. But viewing on the broad surface.. It's unliking that nothing happened.. Cuz most ppl juz believe that it's kinda hard to prevent anything from happening..

Analysing another case where a guy and a gal is veri close to each other.. But the fact is that they are juz merely juz frenz and nothing more or less.. So the question now is.. How high are the chances that no feelings will be developed at all btwn either parties? Some ppl might feel it's juz a matter of time that feelings for the opposite party will developed.. I kinda agree with their views.. But it always the guy that developed first rather than the gal.. But whether it's truly luv or infatuation is another thing..

Looking through the entries of Xiaxue.. She said abt the things of some guys are juz wimps.. Which I think I got to agree with her with this statement she made.. Recalling back the incident of countdown in 2005.. Not sure of whether it's X'mas or New Year.. She said why when the gals were been molested by the Bangladesh.. No one help.. Esp the guys.. And she said that the guys give the excuses of beating ppl in SG is illegal and will be jailed.. Alrite I understand the worries of been jailed.. And whether the judge see u as a hero saving the gals from the dirty hands of the bangladesh is another thing.. Cuz an offence is always an offence.. Juz like when saying a white lie.. Afterall it's still a lie.. Except that the lie is of good intention.. But I truly hope that the judge and jury can see that if we beat up ppl.. We are doing it in a form of helping the helpless ones.. And not for the sake for beating for fun.. U know I was kinda disappointed that the guys din reali help the gals.. I mean everyone got their freedom of choices.. They have their absolute rights to choose whether to help or not.. And it's not the first time Bangladesh did this type of shameless act.. If reali one day let me see this type of act in front of my eyes.. I will reali beat that person.. I strictly dislikes this type of unhonourable act.. Now it's happened to other gals.. Who knows one day it might happened to ur gal frenz or gf.. I duno whether the guys I know will behave like me.. Cuz their character totally different from mine.. I'm juz someone that is impulsive.. Simple as that..

Do u ppl sometimes juz miss some ppl and u reali wish that they will appear before u.. But it's reali veri miraculous.. Why I say so.. Becuz when u miss someone and u wan him or her to appear before u and yet they wun.. U said to urself that it's not possible and u give up.. Reason been that there are so many places for them to go.. Why will they possibly appear before u juz like an instant as u wishes? I duno whether it's true for the rest.. Cuz it do happened to me a number of times.. And the moment I dun wish to hope for anymore.. The person appeared..

U know watching someone u reali care of walking away from ur sight is such an uncomfortable feeling.. As the vision of the person gets further and further.. It's juz made u feel as nothing is left in this world of urs.. U duno whether she saw u or not.. And u juz hope that she din.. U walked on the opposite side of the path.. Following behind.. Watching her waiting for traffic.. U stood by the side patiently waiting for her to cross the junction.. After she crossed.. U kept ur focus on her until she totally disappeared from ur sight.. U turned back and left.. U said to urself that this is the one and only way to show that u still care for her even after so many unhappy things that had happened.. Although it's done in an unknowing way.. But at the end of the day u do feel glad abt it.. Cuz care and concern dun reali need to be shown to ppl purposely.. U know such opportunity dun cum by easily.. And u glad that Heaven do give u this chance to do it..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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