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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Had our 2nd DPP class today.. And our leader Bunn is not here.. LoLz.. We miss her man.. Oops.. I mean it seem to be quieter without her ard.. Atmosphere seem so boring.. I juz got a reply from Juliana that our mail for the six team member of DPP had been received by her.. That's great.. And when I heard from Tiffy abt some stuffs this morning.. I was reali shocked.. I duno where this rumours came from.. But this rumours will indeed have great impact on ppl if ppl chooses to believe it..

I reali impressed by my Sir's knowledge of those altar sort of stuffs.. I know he is a buddhist.. And he is those veri faithful type of follower.. That's why we will nvr eat beef in front of him.. And I know that I did it once purely out of ignorance.. Back to topic.. He told us that in this world.. Anything seem impossible is actuali happening.. Like those curse aka "Gong Tao" stuff.. And when he speak abt the stuff where one can take the photo of someone he or she dun like or like.. After that makes that person like him or her.. Wahahaha.. I probed further abt the process with Sir.. And Bunn straight away see through my evil plot.. LoLz.. She asked me which gals I wan to put the spell on.. Heee.. Well mah.. Kinda many for me.. Wahahaha.. Joking lah.. Actuali like what Sir said is right also.. When the spell is gone.. U will need to face the consequences of it.. As in u put the spell for the gal to like u.. But what happen after the spell wear off.. Can't be keep on putting spell mah.. That's why I ask Sir got value pack or not.. LoLz.. Anyway no use keeping a gal by ur side where her heart dun belong to u afterall.. I always believe in genuine luv that are reali meant for each other.. Forcing someone to like u.. Get u no where afterall..

There are actuali many ppl that can reali share ur problems or troubles u are facing.. And I share mine today.. Sometimes it juz make urself better to pour ur unhappiness out of ur heart.. Cuz it's always best to listen to someone else views.. Rather than keeping to ur own views.. Cuz u might be the one wrong afterall.. I have been practising "give and take" policy.. But there are things sometimes which possibly can't be solve by using that policy.. So when the moment where u need to confront someone one day came by.. What should u do? I reali duno.. Or maybe I should juz say I hate u.. Hate u for the things u have done to me.. Anyway I would like to thank someone who listen to what I have to say from my miserable heart.. U know who u are.. The one that owned me a Cartel meal.. Rem? Hehehe.. Shhhh.. =P

Sometimes enuff is enuff.. Now I understand why my frenz are so pissed off.. It's reali not possible to please everyone.. Sacrifices have to be made.. Be it whether it's reali cruel or inhuman.. Decisions gotta be made firm.. But I reali those soft-hearted type of ppl.. I juz can't bear to see frenz die aside themselves.. Is it my wishful thinking that everyone are happy with one another.. But in fact in reality.. Things aren't as simple as I think.. Maybe I'm juz too stupid and naive.. Thinking that things will always worked out somehow.. I mean we can't reali have the best of both worlds.. And when u solved one problem then another problem emerged again.. It's reali damn pek chek one.. And nowadays my patience limit is reali running on low level.. Juz hope Heaven will lend us a hand.. And open a route for us to follow..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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