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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Yest was the final day for Yt and me.. Maybe it's the last day.. That's why I seem to be doing things with my best.. Actuali was hoping to leave asap.. And when the last day came.. It was kinda reluctant to go.. Duno why.. Maybe it's juz like u only have one last day to live.. And when tomolow cum.. U no longer live in this world.. Wanted to call KFC to treat them but everything seem to be so bad.. The line juz can't get through.. Waiting for the past half hour.. And it needs an hour for delivery.. So we decided to got other place to eat.. Waiting for cabs also hard.. =/

Sometimes there are things that have passed by ur life.. And once u dun cherish the chance ppl give u.. It's reali be gone forever.. And I juz experienced it yest.. How sad and disappointed it was.. And juz that day before yest.. It was such a gd opportunity for me.. Why I said so? Becuz of the following: 1) Alighting the same place as me.. [It's the veri first time I see that.. I should say it's rare] 2) She use her arm to touch me.. [I duno is accidentally or not.. But the road is so wide.. She definitely has alot of space to walk..] 3) She walked veri slowly.. [Hmm.. It's juz like u can feel it that the pace is veri ususual.. 6th sense ba..] 4) Consecutive glancing to the back.. [This is kinda obvious.. I'm not blind.. Cuz I also did it before in my life mah.. I believe everyone also did it ba.. Oops.. Haha..]

Haiz.. I was thinking still got one day left mah.. So I will ask for her contact no. for that veri last day.. And ya she did came the last day.. Saw her in the morning.. But when I can't get any sight of her during high tea.. I know sumting is not right.. Unable to confirm.. I waited upstairs for some time.. I went to check again.. And I'm veri sure she had left le.. Haix.. Guess she took half day leave.. So now I reali know what is 错失良机.. Opportunities reali dun cum by easily.. Once missed it in ur life.. And that is it.. It's juz another lesson learned for me.. Never take things for granted by thinking that there is still tomolow.. There is still time.. But in true fact.. The sand of time slows for no one..

Auntie Sally got Yt and mine hp no. cuz she thinking of asking Yt and me to her place for CNY.. Was kinda surprised also.. I mean we were only here for less than two months.. Or she reali hoping I will bring abalone over.. Hahaha.. And she told me yest that her hubby passed away one year ago.. And I feared that her eyes might juz turned red.. I understand the feelings of been alone for the rest of one's life.. Why can't there is happy ending for everyone in this world.. It's reali veri sad to know that unfortunate things do happen to ur surrounding frenz.. =/

And today is the final countdown to nxt year.. It's gonna be 2006 soon le.. And what had happened in this year will be drawn with a line and full stop.. Actuali 2005 seem to be a year which had alot of things happening.. At least to me.. Like controversies btwn ppl.. But I'm glad that things finali turned out well for some of us.. I juz hope 2006 will be a fresh and happening year for us.. There might be changes going on too.. I juz wanna tell Colin that even if there are changes.. We will always be frenz till the end..

After some reseach.. I found out that Sam's bf is from Hendon Camp.. Is it true that most gals will choose Cdos as their bfs? Hmm.. If I put myself into a gal's thinking.. Well.. Most likely I also preferred Cdos leh.. Hahaha.. =X Well well.. I also a diver mah.. Why dun wan choose me.. Wahahaha.. >_<~ Rem my section commander will shout "Oie.. Plt 3's divers.. All fall in now!!" Hahaha.. Guess only Ly.. Steph and Yt will get what I mean.. It's juz aka the same concept of zero fighters.. LoLz..

Every year there will be new year resolutions for everyone.. I duno what resolutions u ppl set for urself.. But I do rem that I set alot of resolutions for 2005.. And seem like out of so many.. I only managed to fulfil one.. But I'm glad at least one of them cum true.. So for 2006 I juz set that I juz wan to see everybody happy.. And that's all I ask.. Hmm.. Is this a wish or resolution? I think u ppl will say that this is a wish not resolution.. Cuz resolution is all out to do it and fufil it.. I think I will do it in a way so that I can accomodate everyone.. And I wan my $200 for this cuming IPPT's window.. LoLz.. Nehneh one.. By rite last window should get $200 one.. Kuku one.. Stupid SBJ.. Zzz.. I guess my $400 will be best to obtain when I turned into CAT Y in 2006.. Hehehe.. Old liao mah.. So standard must drop also.. Hmm.. 0950mins or 1000mins? If it's 0950mins hor.. Then I guess only 6secs diff from 0944mins wun make much diff either.. Doesn't help at all.. Cum on pls change it to 1000mins leh.. LoLz..

Lastly I wish everyone of u a veri Happy ENY.. ENY is English New Year hor.. LoLz.. Cuz Chinese New Year is CNY mah.. Enjoy urself ppl.. All the best in the cuming year 2006.. ^^

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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