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Monday, November 21, 2005

Heard a conversation of a kid on the bus.. He was asking why this road can have car one meh? Then he added the red colour road.. Hmm.. As he alreadi said.. The red colour "road".. So isn't it a road afterall? LoLz..

Today had a meeting for the logistic department.. Juz like what Wahid said.. It gonna will be fun.. Haha.. Indeed leh.. Watching the battle btwn Joyce and Kenneth.. Damn shiok when Kenneth kena f***ed by Joyce loh.. Well.. Kenneth is someone who stepped on my tail the veri first day.. Imagine he walked over and said to Yt and me.. If u two get me into trouble I will personally kick u out.. Wtf is this? First day wanna to declare war alreadi.. Well.. It's not only me.. Imagine the first week Kenneth was employed to the company.. He alreadi quarrelled with almost everyone in the company.. So what do u ppl think? He is the one with problems rather than the rest.. Tio bo?

Amos was saying that waaa ur frenz was giggling throughout the whole meeting.. Haha.. He was saying me lah.. LoLz.. Aiya I reali can't help it mah.. Damn funny.. And today meeting I was damn bold to slp in front of Joyce.. Haha.. Anyway she is the head section.. The meeting is getting boring but heng the funny things which Kenneth did make me awake.. Wahahaha.. ^^

And during the daily 1430hrs meeting.. I also hide behind Alex and juz dozed off.. Oh man.. What is happening? I reali damn tired.. Maybe is becuz of yesterday hardcore training.. I reali wanna die loh.. 10 sets of 5 chinups.. Every one chinup that u can't do.. U will have to pump 20.. And when u cum down u needa pump another 50.. Nb loh.. That's kinda sadist to me.. In total 50 chinups and 500 pushups.. And plus some xtra 20 pushups here and there.. Zzz.. Anyway how I wish Kenneth will sack me off juz becuz I slp.. Heeee.. =P I reali have this wish man.. >_<~ I kinda looking forward to the nxt weekly meeting.. I wan to see how Joyce purposely screw Kenneth up again.. Haix.. Sianz sia.. Saturday gonna OT loh.. But it will only be one Saturday.. Hope Kenneth dun roti prata anyhow promised..

I kinda pissed off with my dvd player.. I recorded all the shows I wanted.. And I combine two episodes into one.. I did it yesterday.. And I'm sure that I din delete it accidentally or whatsoever.. Juz now when I wan to copy it over to dvd then three episodes gone.. How am I going to account to Bunbun? Sorri Bunbun.. =[

And when u are in this situation of fighting for this gal u like against ur deadly foes.. How would u go abt in doing it? Rem I asked my frenz abt it.. He is fighting for another gal.. And I asked him why and who do he fight for? He replied we will look for that answer together.. So chim for me to understand huh.. Anyway even if u are at a losing end.. Juz dun give up ba.. U nvr knw what the future holds..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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