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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Forever in memory of Eddie Gurrero (1967 - 2005)..

Well ppl are complaining that I MIA liao.. Haha.. Sound kinda true also.. It's a week since I updated any stuff le.. Was reali veri busy.. No time to write or work on my personal stuffs.. Everyday wake up early then reach home late.. Reached home only left one to two hrs to settle my daily stuffs.. Cuz got to sleep early for next day..

Learned some stuffs from Wadhip.. He is jux another lame joker.. Haha.. The questions he asked me are always veri lame one.. For instance.. If I am given a Harley.. How would I ride it? I think it must be some kind of trap for me to fall into.. So I said I will put both my hand on the Harley to ride it loh.. And rolled the throttle with both hands.. And he said ur Harley so special.. Got two throttles one? LoLz.. Ya hor.. And that's the mistake most ppl made.. Always like to roll both hands when imitating to ride a bike..

Another instance is.. There is an alley with one exit at each end.. Both exits got a vampire each.. One is old and another one is young.. So he asked me to choose which exit I will take to go.. Then justify the reason.. For me I choose the old vampire.. And I stated that cuz old vampire more experience.. So when he sucks my blood.. I wun die so painfully.. LoLz.. But it's correct mah.. Old means more experienced leh.. Well in the end what I choose is correct but the reason behind it is wrong.. When I know the answer.. I feel I like so stupid loh.. >_<~

And ya.. Eddie Gurrero had left this world le.. I was kinda shocked when I get to know abt this news.. Eddie Guerrero was laid to rest yesterday in Scottsdale, Ariz.. Eddie moved his family to Phoenix a few weeks ago so he could be closer to his mother and sister Linda.. The private ceremony was presided over by family friend "Superstar" Billy Graham.. Several current and former WWE Superstars were in attendance.. Chris Jericho.. John Layfield.. Dean Malenko.. Vince McMahon.. Chris Benoit.. Tom Prichard and Chavo Guerrero, Jr. all spoke in remembrance of Eddie.. The highly emotional ceremony celebrated the life of Eddie Guerrero.. Remembering exactly how loving.. Caring and humble he was.. Source from WWE..

My impression of Eddie is that he is a bad person last time.. But ever since some of the changes he has made to himself.. I changed my views towards him.. He is the second one after Owen Hart.. And I reali got no idea of why such thing happened to him.. Now the only thing I can wait is to see what the autopsy report says.. Rumours said he fought and got killed.. Some said he died of heart failure.. Whichever the reasons are.. I juz hope he will rest in peace.. The tribute for Eddie was so nice with the song.. With his mum.. Wife and child.. And all those memories in him he had before.. Now I know why tears well up in Ly's eyes.. Holding on to the tears that are so eager to get out from my eyes.. But it's hard..

When I heard that Eddie left.. I was saying to myself that life is reali so unpredictable.. It was juz like yesterday he won a championship title and today he juz left without saying anything.. We all know WWE is sort of a type of entertainment to us.. Especially for the guys.. There is always scripts of who will be the bad guys and also who are the good guys.. There is often rivalry btwn the superstars and all that..

But no matter how much hatred and rivalry one had with another person.. Juz let bygones be bygones.. Is it reali when that person he/she hated die one day.. Then he/she will reali forgive that person and cried for him/her.. Isn't that too late afterall? This applies to any one of us.. Yes I admit I do hated some ppl.. Till now I still duno whether to let the past be thrown out of my mind.. But memories is hard to erase.. Especially those hurting one.. Brain is not like a harddisk.. Brain dun work with a click on the delete button..

And sometimes one might juz wish that he/she can be get knocked down by a car and live in coma forever.. Juz like what we seen in drama.. And there will always be someone special to cum and visit him/her.. Though such feelings is nice.. And it can be juz as realistic as fairytale.. But how would the person that cared and loved the coma person feels? He/she can accompany the coma person for life.. But isn't that selfish? If the person I like reali thinks that life is meaningless.. And she juz wish that she can be in coma forever.. I duno what to do also.. Although I can be physically with her when she in coma.. But what abt mentally? I will reali miss her loh.. Her voice.. Her scent.. Her sweet smile.. Her adorable actions.. And those happy moments we had together before.. And I will wish I can join her.. And we meet in the coma world of ours.. But I reali dun wish to see this day happening to any of my frenz I know.. Especially those that I reali like and care of.. Today song dedicated to those I loved.. And especially to Eddie..

Though u have left us Eddie.. But we will always remember u.. Whether now or future.. U are great.. U roxs..

Forever in memory of Eddie Gurrero (1967 - 2005)..
-- SpenC™

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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