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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Again the memories of some sad incidents flashed back to me again.. What happened in the past reali dun erase from one's mind so easy.. Especially those sad one.. Wadhid juz told me dun always look so sad all the times.. And he told me his story.. I think ard 10yrs ago.. On his Bday.. His fiancee bought a cake for him and returned him the engaged ring.. He told me that was the Bday's present for that Bday.. Reali veri sad.. I understand how he feels.. Now and then on his Bday.. This incident will be flashing back in his mind.. Why? Becuz if such things happened on some other unimportant days.. Maybe he wun take notice abt it.. But it's on his Bday.. Bday is so called everyone impt day of their life.. As for me I will also rem incidents on special occassions..

Meet Kelvin at town this morning.. Haha.. Well.. It's kinda surprised of me to go down town on x'mas eve.. Cuz normally I dun go out on x'mas eve or even the actuali x'mas.. Hmm.. I think it's better to say I got no one to celebrate with.. Everyone will be celebrating with their bfs or gfs.. So reali dun wan to bother them..

We went makan first after that then go shopped ard.. He wanted to buy a perfume that is strawberry in flavour.. And he knew it's at Lucky Plaza.. So we went to look for it.. When the search becum so tiring.. He decided to give up.. So as we went down.. I spotted two perfume shops.. And I told him.. It's reali glad.. Everything din cum in vain afterall.. When I saw his joy of getting the gift for his gf.. I was so happy for him..

I was alone after Kelvin left becuz he kena rashes.. So he went home to bathe.. As for me I was also looking for some stuffs.. I walked the whole of Orchard.. Looking at the shop directories of Taka.. Heeren.. Wisma.. Tangs.. Emerald.. Paragon.. Why I still can't it.. I was reali disappointed.. I asked many ppl abt it.. Everyone seem to have no idea of it.. Even ppl who chiong for branded stuffs also duno.. Is it so difficult to find afterall.. Or does it dun exist in SG at all.. I was wondering abt what to do..

Now I only have one last hope.. And that is called back and asked my bro to search online.. Even he said webby din said location either.. At the moment of leaving the crowded town sadly.. My bro called and said he found the location le.. Indeed it was rare.. I reali duno how many branches it have in SG.. From what my bro said.. Webby oni showed two branches.. Isn't it kinda little..

After getting the info.. I went to comb for the one last time.. Whether I found it or not.. I know I reali did my best le.. Alreadi searched from 12+ to 3+.. Walking from one end to another.. Walking non-stop for so many hrs.. I was sweating like hell.. Maybe Heaven juz pitied me by giving a big rainpour.. Drenched like a wet chicken..

And juz now at TM.. I meet tio Stephen's sis.. So I went over to say hi.. Walked ard TM.. Reali veri crowded.. Gift wrapping booths all veri long queue.. And was reali surprised that the interchange was so cold.. Not many ppl ard.. Normally during this time there will be alot of ppl.. Guess everyone alreadi set off early towards town le.. Walking home.. Munching my favourite roti from Q-Bread.. And I saw my beloved R1 on the street.. Reali veri nice.. How I wish I will be the one having a R1 one day.. And I know it reali dreaming.. Cuz I wun get to learn at all..

Lastly.. Merry X'mas to all of u.. Those frenz I know.. I hope u all will have ur wishes granted by Santa.. I hope mine will be granted too.. Even for juz one day I will be veri satisfied le.. Enjoyed everyone.. I juz hope tomolow will be a veri happy day for me..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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