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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

And so today is first day of sch for me.. Veri excited cuz can see my frenz and some other frenz from other clique.. Like Jenn and Sam.. Liying and Xiaohui.. Oopz.. LoLz.. Anyway had DPP talks for the whole day.. That guy tok so much I also dun catch what he is saying.. Actuali can see this module as an exciting one.. Why leh? Cuz it seems like need to meet alot to do the assignment.. And I luv meetings.. But of cuz to those I wan to meet lah.. And most of the time our meeting will be damn shiok one.. Why leh? Becuz got "Shreky the Shaper" in our team mah.. Wakakakaka.. Well well.. Only he will know why he is the shaper.. *肚子锇了啦, 走leh, 去吃东西leh..* LoLz..

Actuali we are quite fast in getting an organisation for DPP.. Thankz to Bun and her resourceful network.. Now what I'm worried is abt the oral presentation which I reali hate alot.. Cuz I can't speak well at all.. And will therefore drag the whole group down.. And even if I start training from now.. I think I still wun make it at all.. This type of skill is long years accumulate one.. Can't be so easy to master within these few months..

Right now I'm suffering from headache.. Haix.. =/ So sianz.. No mood.. And din go for training today.. But tomolow by hook or by crook must go.. Cuz that's the last training before grading on this Sun.. Wait Sir said me again.. Say I'm not familiar with my Taeguek II - Jang..

Bun was asking me today that whether I will get another double again.. LOLz.. Of cuz no liao lah.. Where got everytime double one.. Hahaha.. That time is heng only loh.. Judge pitied me mah.. So gave me a double.. Although two times double is not veri rare.. While four times double means u will be recruited to the National Team.. Which is reali reali rare.. That's what I heard from others..

Btwn since we are under centralised grading so if double we should be glad.. Erm.. Cuz they said normally centralised grading got double is veri rare one.. Unlike decentralised grading.. Getting double is a so-called norm.. Hmm.. Am I rite mah? Maybe I should ask Jw to verify this point.. Anyway Jw will be taking her 2nd Dan Koryo Poomsae Grading this Sat.. Two years is indeed veri long.. Gd luck to her.. *Ganbatte* I will go and support her.. Heeee.. =P Oh ya.. My job there is to be a camera man.. Probably taking video for them.. Andy will be there too.. Yeahz.. ^^

Saw this comment from a passerby saying that my blog is inquisitive.. Hmm.. Am I reali asking alot of questions mah? Cuz sometimes I reali juz wanna know some ans from u ppl.. That's why I will sort of post questions in here ba.. Anyway thankz Juicyfruiter for providing precious comments for me.. =)

Oh ya.. Got homework to do.. Hurhur.. That DPP stuff.. Well I kinda lazy to do.. Right now I juz wan to jump into bed and slp till tomolow.. Hmm.. Tomolow should I juz wear my Gi to sch.. I mean the lower part of my Gi.. If not still need to bring it to change.. Haha.. Juz heck care liao lah..

Would like to thankz Jenn and Tiffy for making the effort to help me find groups for my frenz.. Lastly I will like to apologise to Kelvin and Joy for giving them troubles abt the grouping thingy.. Thankz so much for been so understanding.. Reali veri paiseh..

Actuali today mood juz sux for me.. Haix.. Ppl are so cold towards me.. Glad still got Cy.. Bun.. Ly.. Shaper.. Sherr.. Etc to brighten my days.. Nitzy all..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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