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Friday, January 06, 2006

Promise myself to wake up at 0730hrs.. But in the end 0930hrs.. Maybe cuz slp reali late yest nite.. Was on phonecall.. Initially juz wanted to pass on some info.. But in the end we tok and tok.. Cuz conversation getting kinda interesting le.. LoLz.. Like what I mentioned on at my previous entry abt the fact that ones might stick to their ground firmly on the basis that they feel they are not wrong at all.. Who wish to be the wrong party afterall? It wasn't a nice role to be in.. Looks like I getting inquisitive again..

How u ppl feel when u give ppl a gift and they din said thank to u? And I'm the one that din say thank u.. I reali dun mean it.. I reali appreciate the efforts and the gift.. Actuali it's due to the fact that I dun receive gifts at all.. Cuz I'm always giving gifts to others rather the opposite way round.. Not say din receive gifts at all.. It's juz that the gift dun cum purely from a person.. U get what I mean? I mean normally it's been shared.. Says ur bday.. Etc.. And it's been reali the first time I receive a gift from someone.. Someone whom I din reali aquaint for long.. It's certainty feel great u knw..

Actuali what I'm disappointed in is that when I give ppl gift.. I dun expect ppl to return me gift juz becuz they feel paiseh or for other reasons such as dun wan to own me something.. And giving ppl so called expensive gift doesn't mean anything at all right? Alrite I understand ppl do get misunderstood abt such concepts.. But why? Is it becuz they always think giving expensive gift to ppl means he or she like him or her.. As far as I'm concern.. I juz feel that giving normal stuffs is alrite.. Juz dun give jewelleries like ring or necklace.. Which I think is abit too much le.. Is it reali so hard to stay as a truthful frenz of somebody? I reali duno.. Or maybe what Stephen said before is reali true? In this world there is only couples.. No real gd frenz.. True or not u ppl decide..

Maybe some of u still duno me well yet.. I'm those that reali cherished frenzship alot.. And in return I will try to grant their wish as long as it's within my ability and financial power.. What I mean is giving them something they wan.. I still rem last sem.. When it's near Stephen's Bday.. I reali wanted to get him a mini Ipod.. And I mean I will reali do it.. And for Bunn's braces.. I reali wanted to subsidize her abit also.. But I reali down with financial difficulties.. =/ Some of u might say that I got worked in holidays what.. Why financial difficulties? It's becuz the money is not under my control u knw.. So even if I earn 1k.. That 1k is sort of been freezed.. And the total asset I have in hand now is only 10 bucks u knw..

After saying so much.. I hope ppl do understand my intention now.. Cuz to me there are some frenz which I reali like them alot.. In other words.. If they are unhappy I will be unhappy too.. If they are happy.. I will too.. Etc.. Ppl like Bunn.. Ly and Stephen.. They do have misunderstandings with me before.. Why in the end we still can patch back and build even stronger ties with one another? The answer is veri simple.. Becuz I like them alot.. And I can't lose them juz becuz of some trivial stuffs.. For example.. Bunn and me have gone through trials and trials of World War le.. And everytime we have a war.. I get to learn new lessons.. I see through my mistakes and learned from it.. Making sure I wun repeat the mistakes again.. And we still cool down in the end mah.. Cuz Bunn is juz like Ly and Stephen.. Close frenz which I juz can't break away my ties with them for nothing.. I hope those ppl that see this will finali understand everything..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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