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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I saw this piece of article on a magazine.. It's on how to keep ur date.. Hmm.. Find it kinda interesting.. So post here for u all to see.. How true is it.. U decide..

For the Guys:
1) Dress well and appropriately - We are not asking u to dress in tuxedos or shirt and tie but rather dress according to the occasion. Bermudas and sandals may go well with the beach but NOT for a dinner date. The safest bet is smart casual in polo T-shirt and pants or jeans. Remember.. Although looks should not be everything.. But first impression definitely counts!

2) Basic social etiqutte - Have u heard the ladies grumbling about guys not being gracious these days? They no longer open the doors for ladies nor stand on the side of oncoming traffic.. Don't foot the bill on the first date.. And so much more.. So here guys.. LISTEN UP! These days the doors may open automatically.. But allow ur date to enter first and NOT walk in front and leave her behind.. If u take public transport.. Show some grace by giving up ur seat for the more needy instead of pretending to be asleep or reading the newspaper.. This will not only impress the ladies but everyone else on the bus or train..

3) When to talk and when not - Engaging in conversations is a skill.. And most of us are not masters of it.. The key is to be moderate.. Don't talk non-stop nor keep quiet totally.. Don't bore ur date by talking about urself throughout the whole date.. Learn to listen and give ur date a chance to talk.. Try to talk about interesting but not intrusive topics especially during the first date.. U may be straighforward but try not to be too candid with ur comments on ur date.. For example.. "You look a little horizontally challenged in this dress!" Or "I think a little facial will do wonder for ur skin!"

4) Be a SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) - Be sensitive to ur date's needs or reaction.. Stop blabbering when u can see that she is not so interested in the topic.. If ur date feels cold ask if she wants a hot drink or leave the freezing place and go for a walk outside.. Of cuz don't be overly-sensitive and becoming irritating..

5) Little gifts do wonders - A small and inexpensive gift shows ur sincerely in dating her.. Flowers cost a bomb during Valentine's Day.. But there are many other things u can give.. For example.. Chocolates.. A simple handmade card.. Blah Blah Blah..

For the Ladies:
1) There are no ugly women in the world, only lazy ones - We hear this often from ladies.. "If the guy likes me.. He should accept how I look." True in certain sense.. But u will still need to put in a little effort on ur appearance! If u feel the "spare tyre" expanding around ur waist.. Don't be lazy.. Go do some exercise and burn the fats! Learn what clothes and hairstyle enhance ur appearance and what don't.. Trimming ur eyebrows and putting on a bit of lipstick makes alot of difference to an otherwise plain Jane..

2) It takes two hands to clap - Rather than saying "Anything lor" Or "U suggest lah" and leaving the poor chap to think of where to eat or what to do.. Show more enthusiasm and give some suggestions.. It is meant to be date for both of u.. And not only him.. He may feel that u have no mind of ur own or is not interested in having this date with him..

3) Roar like a lion or be quiet like a mouse - Be neither.. U may be talking excitedly.. But remember to stay demure and not sound like u are haggling in a market.. On the other hand.. Don't be over-demure that u become inaudible to ur date.. Speak confidently and try to make ur conversations interesting.. Remember a confident woman is an attractive woman..

4) Win his heart through his stomach - Impress him by preparing easy-to-make cookies or pastries to snack during ur date.. Or even make food bento for the two of u to eat while on a picnic date..

5) Be appreciative - After ur date has treated u to a dinner or has sent u home.. Thank him for his kind gesture.. In this modern world where woman are so independent and demand equality.. Ur gentleman is no longer needed to take care of every aspect of a date.. Isn't it? So be appreciative that he has made the effort to ensure the date went smoothly..

Sometimes I'm juz wondering so what if u are a year older liao.. Bday juz pass and u are older by one year.. In actual fact I'm so much older than u.. I nvr complained that I damn old liao.. Yet there are some ppl that dun feel paiseh and complained.. Yawnz.. Big deal meh.. It's juz a matter of time that ones will age.. I was so tired of listening to ppl whining about some boliao and insignificant stuffs.. Or I should say seeing instead of listening.. LoLz.. Well.. Smart ppl will know what I meant afterall..

And ya.. Guys and gals.. This cuming Thurs there will be free ice-cream outside canteen from 1230hrs to 1400hrs.. Let's go grabbed and eat leh.. Juz nice after class can go kio.. Hehehe..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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