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Saturday, January 07, 2006

It's juz a matter of time that decision had to be made.. Once been made.. It can be either moral.. Amoral or immoral.. After a long conference with the relevant holders of the board.. And with much consideration.. We are regret to say that we have came out with one final and only decision.. And that's can we have our little own happiness and not going ard pleasing every single one of them.. It's juz too tiring.. We juz can't have the best of both worlds.. It's juz like we can't have a gf and wife at the same time.. Or a bf and hubby at the same time.. Cuz it's only juz one of the choices can be with u.. It's juz either one of them.. No more no less.. Hence making an amoral decision is the best way to avoid any biases arising from other ppl.. May it be an amoral decision.. I believe some ppl might view us as immoral.. Which I believe there will be some..

Went for Jw's grading today.. I think I feel juz great today.. Lots of laughter for us.. I tot it wun be so long.. But in fact it's reali damn long.. As in the whole event.. I was the cameraman for today.. First time do it.. So pardon me if the whole thing not so smooth.. But then I was reali pleased to take down the whole event of that Mr Pig's humiliation.. Dun be surprised that no one likes this fellow.. And I do know why.. Firstly he is a big time busybody who kapo abt other ppl's business.. Such as Evonne case.. Secondly he is a guy which dun have any fengdu when spar with gals.. Such as Ailing case.. Big size buwee small size.. Thirdly he likes to boss ard ppl.. As if he is the one in charge..

But honestly speaking I juz dun see up to him at all.. As far as I'm concern.. I juz see him as a sore loser.. For instance juz now when sparring.. He kena a back hook from his opponent direct in his face.. And he machiam like using bodyweight to push ppl.. He thinks this is sumo wrestling? Well.. Why not quit Tkd and make his mark in sumo wrestling.. LoLz.. Ppl like him is such a disgrace to Sir.. Is he reali that powerful like what I heard from the rest? Seriously I doubt so.. What I can see is only a big lump of lard jumping ard in the court.. Wakakaka.. I'm not saying I can beat him now.. But I hope I can one day.. At least I can help Ailing.. Regina.. And the rest whack him.. Revenge for them.. One advantage I have is stamina.. Which that pig dun have at all.. He is my 3 to 4 times size.. And his power might be kinda great compared to mine.. And can juz kick me one time to KO me.. But what for go head on with him.. Juz drain his stamina and he is gone.. Cuz from what I see juz now.. He is alreadi fatique at the third sparring..

And Jw today reali nervous.. So made a few mistakes.. But I hope with her effort she can make it for this grading.. I believe she can do it.. Let's pray that the pig will flunge the grading.. And for Weiting.. Hope she can clear the hurdle this time round.. She did well this time.. As in from what I feel.. And Regina did two back hooks today.. Both hit the opponents.. Was reali veri swee.. I will give that stance 100 marks.. Evonne was helping out in the sparring also.. There was another gal who looks exactly the same like her on the back.. So I tot it's her.. But in the end it's not.. Haha.. Btwn I think the video is on the wrong gal all the while.. >_<~ Hmm.. But I think I did manage to catch some glimpse of her.. Andy was here today too.. Bringing a toilet bowl with him.. LOLz.. I was wondering which fellow give him this present.. Funny sia.. Today got ppl kick Andy fell down.. Andy also slacking leh.. Nvr properly sparred with his opponents..

I was reali veri hungry without lunch.. Heng Regina and Weiting got some fishballs for us.. Thankz so much.. Muackz.. And thankz Bunn for giving me another fishball.. We left and headed towards Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre.. Went to Mac for some food.. U know today I realised that when Bunn.. Evonne.. Jw.. Regina and Weiting are together.. There will bound to be funny stuffs happening.. Kinda fun to be with them.. Juz too bad I'm of different gender with them.. If not I think will be more fun.. In the train Jw.. Regina and me went to watch that part of the video where the pig is been hatam by his opponent.. The moment the pig been slapped in the face.. We shouted yeah.. Other ppl tot what happened.. But it's reali a shiok thing for us.. Especially Regina.. Happy like lark..

And tomolow will be my turn and Bunn's turn for grading.. Bunn said her opponent most like will be that pig's student.. So she promise herself that if it's reali that pig's student.. Then she will reali punch that pig's student to flatten that pig's student's chest.. LoLz.. Wow.. Seem like tomolow will be having a nice show too.. I looking forward to it.. Haix.. But I scared I will flunge this grading loh.. Kinda not familiar.. =/ Another case is the rest all double then I nvr.. Reali will be damn paiseh loh.. Noooo.. I dun wan to see this happening.. Gd luck to Bunn and Ailing.. I mean if she did cum for grading tomolow.. Ganbatte to us..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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