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Monday, January 23, 2006

Yest went for fund raising at AMK.. Suppose to meet at 0930hrs.. So I was kinda scared that I will be late.. Cuz I wanted to take Bus 22 down straight.. But it's ard 0820hrs liao.. Bus trip predicted at least an hour plus.. But what abt the waiting time.. Must rem that Sun bus interval is damn slow.. So in the end I decided not to risk.. So train will be the best..

Reaching AMK station.. Gathering point is at control.. Cuz I reached quite early even though I was kinda late when I took the train.. So I went to toilet first to dilly dally abit.. I know there are bound to be ppl cuming late one.. But I nvr expect to be so late.. Was kinda dulan loh.. Dun expect me to wait for ppl like for 45mins.. Ten mins is still alrite.. Anyway we juz set off to do our stuffs..

Actuali the process is damn tiring one.. Walked every floor.. Blah blah blah.. I wondered who that idiot architect that designed some blocks for AMK.. Reali damn brainless loh.. One block got five staircases.. And only two common corridor.. WTF!! Which means other than the common corridor.. The rest of the floors need to go through the five different staircases then can reach.. Imagine and u ppl will get what I mean..

After everything ended.. Some of us went to Clarke Quay to celebrate the cuming bdays of Amos and Yoda.. Settled down at the Riverwalk area.. Actuali it was my first time been to Clarke Quay.. And Boat Quay is still zero.. Next time got chance then go ba.. Went to the Indo restaurant to eat.. The food there not bad.. Juz that majority is spicy.. Sting ray and squid is the best.. =D~~

After dinner we went for a short walk.. Went to see the Bungee jumping.. I duno whether that the name for it.. Damn funny when u saw the video of the ppl taking the ride.. They purposely went past Hooters.. So that the guys can see the sexy gals.. Wow.. I was kinda impressed also.. The Hooters gals' figures are damn perfect.. Standing beside SG river.. Deciding to leave for home le.. Two gals went past.. And so I juz looked at them.. And turned my head as they walked past us.. Yoda saw me looking at the gals.. So she said "yK u need to look until like that meh".. LoLz.. Well.. Curious mah.. Hehe.. And I was totally surprised that Yoda will say that to me.. Cuz normally we dun tok that much either..

Today had Sherman's class.. First thing he asked is where we think he is from.. Obviously from his accent he is from somewhere outta SG.. No one gave the ans.. So I said Mars.. Wahahaha.. *Song* Think he was kinda pissed off.. Claiming that do I look like I'm from Mars.. Gai said that he is from US.. But he said why I can't be a Canadian? Yt said becuz u dun look like pizza.. LoLz.. It's true..

Anyway he is much better than Lamer Chan.. Well Sherman also know Lamer Chan pattern.. But even if that Chan Lai Huat wanted us to think.. Also no need to be so cruel and dun ans any of out qns.. Whateva it is.. Heng no need to see him anymore..

Have anyone of u ever cried over being powerless? Cuz u can't keep things going the way u wanna it to be.. But I think everyone do.. That's humanity.. In war if u can't protect ur luved ones.. And they get killed in the battle.. That person will definitely be angry of himself of why is he so powerless to do anything to protect them.. How he wish "If only I had power back then.. If only I had gotten hold of it.."

Putting this simple concept into the context of frenzship.. Putting it to a case of how hard one tried to retain a so-called sentimental frenzship he had before.. He tried his best yet he dun see any results from it.. For his case.. It will be his frenz that is holding the power.. And not him.. It's kinda obvious to see who is holding the power even for onlookers that dun have any acquaintance with any of them..

But as from today onwards.. He will no longer yield under that power his frenz is holding.. He alreadi seen through le.. Been accomodating is no longer a need.. Only having power is the best.. But from the moment u take that power into ur hand.. U will become the person who will make the others cry.. I guess it's kinda true.. And I juz wonder will u guys n gals do the same..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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